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CC News: Celebrate Ten Years of Creative Commons

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Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on Twitter. Top stories: #cc10 Costa RicaAdrián Coto / CC BY Celebrate ten years of Creative Commons, and consider making an investment in the next ten. Aaron SwartzJacob Appelbaum / CC BY-SA As a teenager, Aaron Swartz helped start Creative…

Memorial for Aaron Swartz in SF at Internet Archive


Dear Friends, please join us as we gather to remember Aaron Swartz on the evening of Thursday, January 24th. Reception at 7:00pm Memorial at 8:00pm at the Internet Archive 300 Funston Avenue San Francisco 94118 Speakers will include Danny O’Brien, Lisa Rein, Peter Eckersly, Molly Shaffer Van Houweling, Cindy Cohn, Brewster Kahle, Tim O’Reilly, Elliot…

Boundless, the free alternative to textbooks, releases its content under Creative Commons


Boundless, the company that builds on existing open educational resources to provide free alternatives to traditionally costly college textbooks, has released 18 open textbooks under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA), the same license used by Wikipedia. Schools, students and the general public are free to share and remix these textbooks under this license. The 18…

U.S. News and World Report Examines the Growth of Open Education


Open as in Books? / Alan Levine / CC BY-SA This week, U.S. News and World Report ran an excellent story about the rise of openly-licensed educational materials. Simon Owens’ article touches on many of the open education landmarks we’ve been celebrating over the past year, including the Department of Labor’s TAA-CCCT grant program and…

Welcome Dan Mills, Director of Product Strategy


2013 starts off fresh with Dan Mills joining the Creative Commons team as our director of product strategy. We are delighted to have Dan onboard and look forward to engaging his leadership. In his new role, Dan will head the Technology Team in the creation of software products to propel the Creative Commons mission forward…

Remembering Aaron Swartz


Lawrence Lessig and Aaron Swartz (2002) / Rich Gibson / CC BY Friends and Commoners, It is with incredible sadness that I write to tell you that yesterday, Aaron Swartz took his life. Aaron was one of the early architects of Creative Commons. As a teenager, he helped design the code layer to our licenses,…

Join Creative Commons During Open Education Week (March 11-15)


This year Open Education Week takes place on March 11-15 and features a series of events, workshops, project showcases, and webinars from around the world. If you care about sharing knowledge, reducing barriers to educational access, and helping to grow the amount of free and open educational resources (OER) available on the web — join…

Lawrence Lessig's WSJ Article on Bassel Khartabil


Bassel / joi / CC BY Today in the Wall Street Journal, Creative Commons co-founder Lawrence Lessig has a thoughtful piece about Bassel Khartabil, the longtime CC volunteer who has been detained by Syrian authorities since March. In late 2012, Foreign Policy named Mr. Khartabil one of this year’s top 100 thinkers. The magazine singled…

Happy Public Domain Day


Each year on January 1st, copyright protection expires for millions of creative works, allowing those works to be used by anyone without restriction or need for permission. On this Public Domain Day, we celebrate the rich creative works that have risen into the public domain, and mourn the massive number of works that could have…