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Down and Out Up and Away


Wired News says Cory Doctorow “walks the walk” with the Creative Commons licensing of his Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. An excerpt from the story: “I don’t believe that I am giving up book royalties,” Doctorow said about persuading his publisher, Tor Books, to make Down and Out available digitally for free under…

Come Together


Richard Koman has a nice first-hand account of our license release party on the O’Reilly Network. (This slipped past our radar last week.) Koman describes the event as an Eldred v. Ashcroft “reunion night,” which is somewhat accurate, though we’ll take the opportunity to remind folks that Creative Commons has no official ties to the…

Doctorow's Down and Out Released Today


Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, the first novel by blogger, cultural critic, and Electronic Frontier Foundation wonk Cory Doctorow, entered the world today. Wired‘s Mark Frauenfelder calls Down and Out “the most entertaining and exciting science fiction story I’ve read in the last few years,” and Bruce Sterling declares, “Science fiction needs Cory…

The Many Faces of the Music Biz


“People are always looking for what side to be on, and there isn’t just one side. . . . I think we’re looking for a kinder, gentler, more equitable model where more people can make a living off of this stuff.” The wise words of Jenny Toomey, musician, policy wonk, and Executive Director of the…