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Funding CC is hard work


Last week an article in the Washington Post casued quite a stir among nonprofits who raise funds online. To Nonprofits Seeking Cash, Facebook App Isn’t So Green says that the “Causes” social network application available on Facebook, MySpace and other social networks hasn’t met expectations. This has provoked a lot of discussion and some deserved…

Open educational resources and implementation of the U.S. Recovery Act


The U.S. Department of Education’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Using ARRA Funds to Drive School Reform and Improvement (warning: Microsoft Word .doc) mentions Open Educational Resources (emphasis added): Use technology to improve teaching and learning. Purchase and train teachers to use instructional software, technology-enabled white boards, and other interactive technologies that have…

CC website redesign launched


We just turned on the first big site design changes since October 2007. If you’re reading in a feedreader and haven’t visited the main CC site in awhile, here’s a home page screenshot: The blog (which of course you’re reading now) no longer dominates. Of course headlines from the main CC blog and from…

CK-12 Foundation's Neeru Khosla on Open Textbooks

Open Education

Back in March, we were so excited about the new Physics Flexbook aligned to Virginia’s state standards that we had to catch up with the foundation that helped to make it possible. The obvious choice was Neeru Khosla, co-founder of the CK-12 Foundation, “a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook…

3 copies left: Joi Ito's Free Souls

Copyright, Open Culture

A month ago, we announced that Flickr had surpassed 100 million CC licensed photos. In celebration of this milestone, we offered a limited number of Creative Commons CEO Joi Ito’s book, Free Souls, at the $100 donation level and above. There are only three copies left, so now is your chance to support CC and…

CC Technology Summit CFP Extended


The third Creative Commons Technology Summit is coming up in June in Turin, Italy. We’ve extended the CFP deadline by a week to May 1, 2009, so if you’ve been waiting to submit a proposal, get it in now. Full details are available in the wiki, along with video from the previous two events (Mountain…

Digital Open

Open Education

The Digital Open, a new online community and competition for youth, is now accepting free and open technology projects from anyone 17 or younger. Free and open means openly licensed, with software licensed under a GPL license and content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA. (See the Digital Open–approved Licenses for more details.) The competition runs until…