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Category: About CC

Public (UK) perception of copyright, public sector information, and CC

About CC

The UK Office of Public Sector Information has published a report on public understanding of copyright, in particular Crown Copyright, the default status of UK government works … and Creative Commons. It contains interesting findings, though I really wish it had included two additional questions. Among the general (UK) public, 71% agree that government should…

CC as a hybrid organization and a tool for hybrids

About CC

Used in connection with Creative Commons the word “hybrid” has typically denoted an “economy” or “models” involving both sharing and commerce. Over half of CC founder Lawrence Lessig’s most recent book is devoted to exploring this sort of hybrid — see Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. CC licenses are a…

Announcing June’s CC Salon NYC / Official OVC Pre-party


After taking a break for a bit (things have been busy at CC) I’m happy to announce our June Salon, which we’ll be partnering with the Open Video Conference on. Think of it as a Salon and the official OVC pre-party. So come out to have some beers with the CC community watch some cool…

ccSalon SF 6/24/09


We hope you can join us at the next ccSalon SF when we will explore the digital intersection of art, history, and culture, and how CC can play a defining role in enriching all three. Our presenters for the evening: * Francesco Spagnolo, Director of Research and Collections at the Magnes Museum in Berkeley. Francesco…

Outreach to GFDL licensed wikis: migrate to CC BY-SA by August 1st!

About CC

To take maximum advantage of Wikipedia’s migration to CC Attribution-ShareAlike, other wikis licensed under the GFDL should, where possible, migrate to CC BY-SA before the deadline set by the GFDL version 1.3 — August 1st. Ideally all works under free (as in freedom) licenses should be freely remixable, greatly increasing the pull of the Free…

The Official Ninth Annual Media That Matters Film Festival is June 3rd in NYC

Events, Open Culture

Every year, Arts Engine produces the fantastic Media That Matters Film Festival. The festival awards and screens a dozen social justice shorts each year and then releases them for sale under our Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license on region-free unencrypted DVDs. This allows educators, fans, and audiences to arrange their own non-commercial screenings of the shorts and help…

Wikimedia Foundation board approves license migration

About CC

The Wikimedia Foundation board has approved the licensing changes voted on by the community of Wikipedia and its sister sites. The accompanying press release includes this quote from Creative Commons founder Lawrence Lessig: “Richard Stallman’s commitment to the cause of free culture has been an inspiration to us all. Assuring the interoperability of free culture…

Sorry, Mark Helprin, We Don't Write "Free Ware"

About CC

And we’d like to not think of ourselves as blockheads, either. If you came across Mark Helprin’s bizarre Op-Ed from a couple of weeks ago, you might have caught the legendary novelist playing the guilt-by-association-game by arguing that we’re “antagonistic to the authorial right.” In fact its the “authorial right” that makes CC work —…