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Category: About CC
CREATIVE Commons search
by press-robot News:- Creative Commons has joined the search engine club with an updated beta which scours the web for text, images, audio, and video… From P2Pnet
UPDATED Version of Creative Commons Search Engine Now Available
by press-robot PressA news release on the Creative Commons site lets us know that an “updated… From Search Engine Watch
MOZILLA Firefox Browser Blazes Across the Globe
by press-robot Press… an array of toolbars — Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) , (Nasdaq: AMZN) ,,, Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO) and Creative Commons… From Linux Insider
TURNING back the copyright clock
by press-robot Press… If you curious about the quality of Creative Commons works, here are… From P2Pnet
AN Open Source License for Education?
by press-robot Press… license to use. I was curious if anyone had considered or compared… From Slashdot
COPYRIGHT-SHARING group delves into science
by press-robot PressThe Creative Commons, a nonprofit group aimed at carving out ways to share creative works, is expanding from the realm of copyright into patents… From Cnet’s
CREATIVE Commons paradox
by press-robot Opinion:- Creative Commons is being hailed as an option to the… From P2Pnet
'MUSICIANS are thieves'
by press-robot Press… “These musicians are saying that true creativity needs to be open, fluid, and alive,” says Creative Commons. “When it comes to copyright… From P2Pnet
FREE MP3s and the Creative Commons
by press-robot Press… to address the gap between “this is copyrighted and you can’t use it for anything,” and “take my rights, please.” Luckily, the Creative Commons… From Cnet
LET the music play — and be shared!
by press-robot PressIn all, Wired is giving away 750,000 copies of a CD with a difference: all the songs are included under a Creative Commons license which means From La Vanguardia