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Category: Open Culture

Analysis of 100M CC-Licensed Images on Flickr

Open Culture

Since last weekend we’ve been celebrating the number of CC-licensed photos on Flickr, which now has reached over 100 million — the largest pool of CC images to date. We’ve received some great feedback from the community, including the following analysis from Christian (metawelle): On July 29, 2004 Flickr announced that anyone who wanted to…

The 3rd Party Content of

Open Culture

When relaunched itself during Barack Obama’s inauguration it included a clause in its copyright policy mandating that all 3rd party content on the site be released under our Attribution license. Until yesterday, there wasn’t much third party content on the site. However, as of this writing, 13,785 people have submitted 16,561 questions and cast…

"RiP: A Remix Manifesto" Released, Online Remixing Through Kaltura

Open Culture

RiP: A Remix Manifesto, a community-driven documentary that focuses on copyright and remix culture (covered earlier here and here) is just beginning to creep out into theaters, having its U.S. premier last week at SXSW. While the film largely focuses on the story of Greg Gillis (Girl Talk) it includes interviews with a wide variety… Following's Lead

Open Culture is the site that provides US citizens with the the ability to monitor the progress of the country’s recovery via the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. As with, the Obama administration is presciently using our Attribution license 3.0 for all third party content on the site, while all of the original content…

Netlabel Concert Cycle in Santiago: Noa Noa 2.0

Events, Open Culture

Noa Noa 2.0 is an upcoming concert cycle for Chilean netlabels, organized by CC Chile‘s host institution, ONG Derechos Digitales, with support from the National Music Fund. This March through August, top netlabel musicians will take to the stage for free concerts in Santiago’s Bar Constitucion. All of the performances will be professionally recorded and…

Gawker Media Empire Goes All CC

Open Culture

Gawker Media, the blog conglomerate that includes Gizmodo, Gawker, and Lifehacker among others has adopted our Attribution-NonCommercial license for all of their original content. Gizmodo’s Brylan Lam blogged about the decision here: … I’m happy to announce that we’re being published under a Creative Commons license now. Although it’s a non-commercial license, remixes and quotes…

NIH Open Access mandate made permanent

About CC, Open Culture

Over on the Science Commons blog, Thinh writes: The NIH Public Access Policy, which was due to expire this year, has now been made permanent by the 2009 Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed into law last week. Last year, Science Commons, SPARC, and ARL jointly released a White Paper authored by our board member Mike Carroll…

Week Left in Pooling Ideas Competition!

Open Culture

There’s about a week left to enter CC Australia’s Pooling Ideas competition before it closes on March 23. They’re giving away cool prizes, including an internship with ABC Radio National to co-produce The Night Air and mountains of CC gear. Contestants are invited to creatively interpret the theme We are what we share, and upload…