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Category: Open Knowledge

Open Education Lightning Talks: Recordings and Slides

Open Education

“lightning” by duane.schoon is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 In December, the CC Open Education Platform hosted a series of open education “lightning talks” (7 minutes + Q&A) in which open education practitioners discussed their work and answered questions with a global audience. We are grateful to all 24 speakers for sharing their open education…

24 x Open Education Lightning Talks

Open Education

“lightning” by duane.schoon is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 The CC Open Education Platform is hosting a series of open education “lightning talks” in which open education practitioners will discuss their work (7 minutes) and take questions (2 minutes) in a supportive space. Everyone is welcome. Join us! In this first round of talks, 25…

Why Universal Access to Information Matters

Open Access, Open Data, Open Science

The coronavirus outbreak not only sparked a health pandemic; it triggered an “infodemic” of misleading and fabricated news. As the virus spread, trolls and conspiracy theorists began pushing misinformation, and their deplorable tactics continue to this day. Nonsense has been shared about links to 5G phone masts or that a secret cure already exists, and…

Creative Commons Celebrates International Literacy Day

Open Education

Did you know that nearly 800 million adults and young people lack basic literacy skills? Supporting the worldwide teaching of these vital skills will help build a more equal society, but the COVID-19 crisis has disrupted education in nearly every country. We, therefore, face even greater inequalities and a more urgent need to deliver quality…

CC Open Education Platform Activities Fund: Six Winners!

Open Education
Openness and Collaboration collage "Openness and Collaboration" by Paul Downey (CC BY 2.0).

Creative Commons is proud to announce six winning project proposals from the inaugural round of the CC Open Education Platform Activities Fund! The CC Open Education Platform is a vibrant, international network of over 1120 open education advocates, educators, librarians, lawmakers, graduate students, and more, spanning 79 countries. This year, CC launched an activities fund…

Nearly 500 CC-licensed Education Images are Now Available!

Open Education
A screenshot of the digital collection from the Alliance for Excellent Education.

The Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed) just released the second edition of their openly licensed digital image collection, “American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.” This edition features nearly 500 high-quality images of teachers and students licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0). Captured by Allison Shelley (photojournalist; co-founder and co-director of…