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Category: Uncategorized

Magnatune does good via the Amarok media player


Last July we mentioned that Magnatune, a record label known for pioneering open business models, had hired a developer to work on Amarok, a free software media player. Today Magnatune founder John Buckman announced $11,570 in sales via Amarok, of which 10% is donated to support Amarok. This number could get much bigger as Amarok…

Contest/Submission Reminders


There happen to be a couple awesome CC-oriented submission deadlines quickly approaching, and as such, a recap post seemed in order. Entries for Monopoly Shuffle: A Remix Contest, which we discussed earlier here, are due May 1. That means you only have two days to create a piece of art that is built out of…

Scripta: CC Latin America


If you haven’t already, check out Scripta, CC Latin America’s new publication available online (CC BY). The editorial committee for Scripta comes from all over Latin America with contributors from Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, and Ecuador. One of our own, intern Grace Armstrong, partakes in this issue with an in depth Q&A introduction to ccLearn and…

LearnHub Integrates CC Licensing


—the new online social learning network—decided to go Creative Commons earlier this week. On Wednesday, they integrated CC licensing into their platform as an option for users to share their work, with the additional option of contributing work into the public domain. One of their inspirations was Flickr, the online photo management system that has…



LegalTorrents, “an online community created to discover and distribute Creative Commons licensed digital media”, has re-launched in exciting fashion. Originally founded in 2003 as a means to distribute “hand-picked .torrent files that were approved by content owners“, LegalTorrents revamped its infrastructure to be more friendly to content creators looking to spread their works far and…

John Buckman Profile on Open Rights Group Wiki


There is an incredibly comprehensive and informative profile on John Buckman, founder of Magnatune, at the Open Rights Group wiki. The profile contains an immense amount of information, outlining the motivation behind Magnatune, Buckman’s thoughts on the future of the music industry, and a bevy of info regarding Magnatune and CC. Consider it the most…

Raw Footage from NOVA's "Car of the Future" Open for Sharing and Remix


In the winter of 2006, NOVA embarked on an “open production” experiment, asking viewers to contribute by reading and commenting on a preview of their show’s script—the (then) in-progress documentary, “Car of the Future.” The show’s producers liked the results, and according to the Wired Blog Network’s Underwire, NOVA decided to return the favor by…

Mayer and Bettle: the Animation Sequel about CC


From CC Australia: Following [Mayer and Bettle’s] fabulously successful cinematic debut, in which they introduced us all to Creative Commons, the new film provides a bit of an update as to what has been happening in Creative Commons over the last two years, and gives us a bit more information on using the Creative Commons…

Wikitravel Press Paris with OpenStreetMaps


There’s a whole lot that’s cool about Wikitravel Press from business, community and licensing angles — follow links from our previous post about it. Their new Paris title adds to the coolness by incorporating maps from OpenStreetMap, also under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike license. Also, this is a good time to mention that anyone thinking of…

This month, it's all about being open


Interested in learning more about what it means to be open these days? Come hear it from the experts at the next San Francisco CC Salon on May 14th from 7-9 at the Shine bar. You’ll hear from Erik Moeller, Wikimedia Foundation’s Deputy Director, about all things Wikipedia. Alexis Rossi, Internet Archive’s Manager of Collections…