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Category: Uncategorized

The 50,000 friends challenge


Looking for another way to support CC? Be our friend! By connecting with Creative Commons on sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Flickr, you can help us broaden our reach and educate the masses about the Creative Commons mission. So, starting today, we’re issuing a 50,000 friend challenge to our community. We’re asking you to help…

CC swag photo contest winner #1


And the first weekly winner of the CC swag photo contest is… Photo by Mortenjohs CC BY Thank you Mortenjohs and the other 20 participants for your participation and support! There are 4 weeks remaining in the 2007 CC swag photo contest. We’re hoping for 100 entries – so grab your camera, CC swag and…

ccMixter: The Next Step


We’re thinking about how to take our music remix site, ccMixter, to the next level. Read about it at the Lessig blog. If you’re logged into ccMixter, you can go here to take a survey on the matter. If you’re unfamiliar with ccMixter, check out the unofficial ccMixterblog, which has tons of great examples of…

Anepsosis Uses CC for MMMORPG Character Art


Anepsosis, an open-source 3D MMORPG, has recentlly decided to release all of their game art (which includes texts, pictures, sketches, drawings, 3D art, and sounds) under a CC BY-SA license. This allows all the content created by the Anepsosis community, not just the final game, to remain open and free, adding additional functionality to the…

Report on CC and UK cultural heritage institutions


A report based on the survey we mentioned in August is now released: The cultural heritage community sits on a goldmine of images, texts, sounds, films, video, data and metadata of immense interest to wide variety of specific sectors and the general public. The resources that these organisations hold increasingly come as digital files and…

Lawrence Lessig in xcd and on Boing Boing TV


In case you hadn’t heard, Lawrence Lessig is officially the most popular guy on the internet (for now)! Check out webcomic xkcd for a great strip featuring Elaine, the “greatest hacker of our era”, learning copyright from CC’s CEO. For added enjoyment, check out a wonderfully lo-fi tribute by SweedishViennese “art-pranksters” Monochrom on BoingBoingTV. That…

Making and marking public resources as such


Works by the U.S. government are in the public domain, but not necessarily accessible to the public. Carl Malamud’s has heroically worked to rectify this, and recently announced that 1.8 million pages of federal case law, including all Courts of Appeals decisions from 1950 to the present and all Supreme Court decisions since 1754…

CC+ Video


There has been quite a lively exchange of emails on our community discussion list concerning the idea of CC+ that CC CEO Lawrence Lessig mentioned on our blog a little over a month ago. To shed some light on the concept, we posted a new video that explains CC+ more fully. In short, CC+ is…

Two New Academic Studies of CC


In what seems to becoming a trend, two new academic papers have been made available online that explore the varying implications of Creative Commons in relation to copyright law and culture at large. The first paper, The Creative Commons and Copyright Protection in the Digital Era: Uses of Creative Commons Licenses by Minjeong Kim, examines…

Reminder: SPARC Video Contest Deadline


A quick reminder to all you aspiring film-makers out there – the deadline for the SPARC Video Contest “Mind Mashup” (which we covered earlier here) is quickly approaching on December 2nd. The winner will receive $1,000 and entries will be judged by a panel that includes both Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and documentary filmmaker Peter…