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Category: Uncategorized

ccSearch updated


As part of an ongoing overhaul of sites Alex Roberts has given a very attractive new look. Keep an eye out for new CC-enabled search services. If you aspire to be one, check out ccSearch integration on our wiki.

Your open source toolset


Last fall we mentioned a great post by Wikipedia leader (and now CC board member) Jimmy Wales on why free knowledge requires free software and free file formats. Now Wikipedian Erik Möller weighs in with a practical post on Wikimedia’s open source toolset, which may be seen as a paean to open source media creation…

The sharing economy in Japanese


CC chairperson Joi Ito writes: Impress, a Japanese publisher, just released a Mook (magazine/book) called The Future of Web 2.0 – The Sharing Economy based on presentations at the Digital Garage New Context Conference last year in Tokyo. The book is in Japanese. There are excerpts from presentations by Mitchell Baker, John Buckman, Tantek Çelik,…

Open Content Licensing – Cultivating the Creative Commons


“What if Rupert Murdoch’s Fox … bought the rights to Socrates’ dinner parties?” – Richard Neville “Never in our history have fewer exercised more power over our culture than now.” – Professor Lawrence Lessig It is a great pleasure to announce the release of Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons, a new publication of…

Swivel plots growth of CC at Flickr


Collaborative data and graphing site Swivel (blogged here — copyrightable elements are under CC Attribution) now features a dataset mapping the growth of CC licensing at Flickr over the last eleven months: Photo: Franz Patzig / CC BY Explore 33 million CC licensed photos at Flickr. Challenge: add datasets for other CC enabled content repositories…

For the myspace generation, Vivaldi lives


Magnatune founder (and CC board member) John Buckman in an opinion piece for Gig Magazine: In 1980, Classical music represented 20% of global music sales. In 2000, Classical had plummeted to just 2% of global music sales. What happened? Did all those people suddenly lose their taste for classical music? Or is something else going…

Why bloggers should use Creative Commons licenses


Paul Jacobson writes at on Why bloggers should use Creative Commons licences. Check out Jacobson’s extended argument, the core of which seems to be that unfortunately fair dealing/fair use will sometimes not be enough to avoid legal roadblocks to conversation; out of respect to your readers, bloggers engaged in conversation with you, and the…

Jamendo goes P2P platinum


Oft-mentioned Creative Commons centric music site Jamendo has gone platinum — its BitTorrent trackers have counted one million downloads of albums hosted by Jamendo. Add eDonkey downloads and single track non-P2P streaming and secondary distribution, Jamendo is almost certainly multi-platinum equivalent, and all legal. Help Jamendo celebrate by downloading, sharing and remixing more music.

ccLabs Relaunched


ccLabs has relaunched with a fresh new look, more closely matching It’s now easier to gauge how the license engine prototypes will look and feel in real life. Further updates to these license engines will be coming soon.