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Category: Uncategorized

"Open Art" show presented by Florida Free Culture


About a year after Free Culture @ NYU’s Creative Commons Art Show 2006, Free Culture Florida is putting on Open Art, a Creative Commons art show in the University of Florida’s Reitz Union Gallery. The show will feature mixed media and prints. Digital versions of the latter may be viewed at the Open Art 2007…



Doc Searls and others have been writing about Vendor Relationship Management — infrastructure facilitating relationships where the customer is the vendor’s equal, contra Customer Relationship Management. Searls’ most recent essay on VRM, Building an Relationship Economy, says that Creative Commons licenses have a role to play: Let’s ignore the record companies for a minute. Instead,…

ccHost 4.0 RC


Are you thinking about hosting a web site dedicated to the CC remix culture? How about in the next few day? The official Release Candidate for the award winning ccHost 4.0 is now available (update: RC period is over, thanks to everybody who participated). The code has been running for a few weeks on ccMixter…

MozCC ♥ Songbird


I’m a bit late, so not-quite-in-time for Valentine’s Day, I’m happy to announce a proverbial match made in heaven: MozCC and Songbird. You might recall Songbird, the previously mentioned wicked-cool music player built on Mozilla. They’re busy readying their next milestone release, 0.2.5. In anticipation of that release, I’ve just shipped MozCC 2.4.2. MozCC…

The hyperweb explained


You’ve probably seen this video already, or at least noticed that others have blogged it. I didn’t get around to actually watching it until I noticed that Eben Moglen broke five plus months of blog silence to rave about it. “Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us” by Michael Wesch is licensed under CC…

Freedom Multiplier


Wendy Seltzer: You can do great things with free content, and great things with free code, but combining the two multiplies their effect. So I found when I wanted to enhance my Free Software music system with more information about the compositions it played. This specific post isn’t about Creative Commons and free software, but…

CC Music 2.0 Fueling Web 2.0


The title of this post is a subheading from a great writeup of ccMixter’s new playlist features at Dave’s Imaginary Sound Space: Make no mistake, ccMixter is the complete package. No other remix site commands the same level of respect amongst musicians, producers and content creators. Read the entire article for a great overview, then…

CC's Looking for a New GC


I am moving on, so Creative Commons needs a new General Counsel. The description of the job and its requirements is here. If you are experienced in intellectual property law (with a liking for copyright issues) and want to be involved in an organization that will give you unique opportunities and a chance to be…