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Category: Uncategorized

Digital Tipping Point


Newsforge has a story about Digital Tipping Point, a documentary on the free software and free culture movements now entering post-production. 59 clips have been posted so far to the DTP collection at the Internet Archive, all licensed under the CC Attribution-ShareAlike license: Welcome to the The Digital Tipping Point (DTP) collection. The DTP crew…

The Shakespeare Chronicles


CC board member and Duke law professor Jamie Boyle is serializing his 19 years in progress novel, started “when I was Shakespeare’s lawyer in a televised mock trial in front of three Supreme Court Justices. He was accused of not being the real author of his own works.” Each chapter of The Shakespeare Chronicles is…

Should CC release software licenses?


It has been suggested that there would be some value in CC entering the field of software licensing. I am skeptical (there are plenty of software licenses) but the explosion of mixed code/content platforms (e.g., Flash) has led me to at least get feedback about the idea. So if you have thoughts about this, I’d…

Polling Place Photo Project


It is election day in the United States jurisdiction. The Polling Place Photo Project aims to use mass citizen journalism to document democracy: The Polling Place Photo Project is a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that seeks to empower citizens to capture, post and share photographs of democracy in action. By documenting their local voting…

CC for Googlers tech talk


October 26 I gave a tech talk at Google, “Creative Commons for Googlers”, now avaiable for viewing and download on Google Video. Unfortunately slide text is too small to read well in the video, but the slides are also now online. If you’ve been following this blog obsessively there will be nothing new in the…

America's smartest economist on sharing


A profile of Kevin Murphy, called by some the smartest economist in America, mentions Murphy’s research on outsized gains from medical research. What happens when Murphy starts to think a little harder about innovation? Although they are still “working some” on the economics of health and medicine, Murphy and Topel also have started to “think…

PBS TeacherSource on CC


PBS TeacherSource blogger Andy Carvin has a great article on Encouraging Student Creativity with Creative Commons: I’m often amazed by the lack of discussion in education technology circles about copyright. Sure, people talk about it occasionally, but given the increasing number of young people (read: millions of them) uploading their own content to the Internet,…

Creative Ways to Support Creative Commons


Creative Commons has worked diligently to provide non-traditional ways for our community to support CC, and it’s exciting when our community responds with their own creative ways as well. There is now a historical domain name – – up for auction on eBay. The owner will be donating 90 percent of all revenue to…