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Category: Uncategorized

New Featured Commoner – Ottmar Liebert


Ottmar Liebert is our new Featured Commoner. Ottmar composes, performs and records music in a Nouveau Flamenco style. Seven of his albums have gone platinum and two other albums gold; he has also been nominated for a Grammy. He uses the Creative Commons Sampling Plus license to make large amounts of his music available to…

Create & remix like a teenager


Many people have written to tell us about the Pew Internet & American Life report on Teen Content Creators and Consumers, which found an astounding 57 percent of online teens in the U.S. create online content and 19 percent are remixers. The report doesn’t mention Creative Commons, though the implications are apparently obvious to our…

Google Goes CC


Google now enables CC-customized searching so you can search for Creative Commons-licensed content on either Google or Yahoo!’s Advanced Search page. Creative Commons’ own “Find” page now gives you to option to use either Google or Yahoo! for your searching. With two major search engines now enabling the dissemination of CC-licensed works, this enables greater…

iLaw, March 2006 in Mexico City


Get ready to broaden your minds and ask the bigger questions of what kind of world of the Internet and all things digital _should_ look like. The next iLaw is scheduled for March 16 & 17, 2006, in Mexico City. Topics to be discussed include intellectual property protection, how changing technologies are affecting policy, law…

Words from CCed CNet Article Ring Around the World


Back in October, CNET Executive Editor Tom Merrit wrote a piece about Creative Commons considering the question “Does Creative Commons free your content?” Creative Commons’ international partners wanted to share the article with their colleagues and fellow countrymen – but the drawback was that it was only available in English. Luckily, Tom was able to…

Creative Commons on vinyl


New vinyl label Unlockedgroove is releasing LPs under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike-2.5 License: As long as Moby doesn’t steal our stuff and make a billion dollars off of it, we want our music to be reworked Buy the record from the super cool Forced Exposure catalog and check out Unlockedgroove’s launch events in San Francisco…

Help promote the CC fundraising campaign


1. Get yourself a button. 2. Put the button code in your site template or in a blog post, or both. 3. a) Profit? b) Priceless? c) Thanks for helping promote the campaign! Here’s a preview of the three buttons: Early examples of bloggers using a button in their site template include Jon Lebkowsky, Marc…

Join the Discussion About Creative Commons & the African Renaissance


Creative Commons Nigeria project lead Ayo Kusamotu will be moderating the’s Africa Committee Forum as part of the upcoming Cyberweek conference to be held soon – October 23-28, 2005. Participating in Cyberweek this year will be 8 bar organizations of Africa, the Attorney General of Lagos state and Nigeria as well as major African…

Check Out Our New Featured Commoner – The Lonely Island


A little while ago, we blogged about Wired’s article about The Lonely Island, LA-based comedy collective, who were recently signed to work with the Saturday Night Live team after releasing their Awesometown comedy pilot under a Creative Commons license. CC recently caught up with “the dudes” in our new Featured Commoner interview.