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Category: Uncategorized

CC China Mainland launches 3.0 licenses


After more than two years of hard work, the CC China Mainland 3.0 licenses are ready for use. Congratulations to Chunyan Wang and the entire CC China Mainland team. Thank you to everyone who helped create these licenses, including the community members who participated in the public discussion. China / Dainis Matisons / CC BY…

Ongoing discussions: NonCommercial and NoDerivatives


A few days ago the Students for Free Culture (SFC) published a provocative blog post called “Stop the inclusion of proprietary licenses in Creative Commons 4.0.” The article urged Creative Commons to deprecate (meaning “retire” or similar), or otherwise change the way Creative Commons offers licenses containing the NonCommercial and NoDerivatives terms, because they “do…

The Arab CC Community Celebrates with CC Iftars


Last week, Muslims all over the world celebrated Eid al-fitr, a festivity which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, dedicated to fasting and praying. Since 2010, Arab world–based Creative Commons communities have celebrated Ramadan by organizing “Creative Commons Iftars” (CC Iftar) across the region. CC Iftar Doha / CC Qatar / CC…

Great CC Resources from the Community


For people wanting to learn about CC and its application in different sectors, there is a sea of materials available online. In particular, CC’s international affiliates create a huge number of educational resources that cross language and cultural boundaries. A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about my work sorting through some of these…

Creative Commons Remembers Jimmy Soriano


iSummit08: Jimmy Soriano / Tomislav Medak / CC BY Creative Commons would like to take this opportunity to remember the great contribution made to its community by Atty. Jimmy Soriano. Jimmy first joined the CC community in 2005 when he launched our CC Philippines team. Over the past 7 years, he has been a constant…

Draft 2 of 4.0 Ready for Public Comment


Tower / Paul Holloway / CC BY-SA We are pleased to post draft 2 of 4.0 for public discussion. This comes after several months of substantive conversations on a number of policy issues, with input solicited from our global community on the CC license-development list (archive), through affiliate consultations, via comments posted directly on our…