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OPENSTUDIO: Open art project, open art community, both?

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OPENSTUDIO, “an experiment in creativity, collaboration and capitalism” at MIT Medialab’s Physical Language Studio appears as a collaboration community for drawings (all are CC licensed) and an art project itself — some of the project’s features don’t feel quite right for either a physical or virtual environment — in the best sense, compelling examination of…

"Open Art" show presented by Florida Free Culture

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About a year after Free Culture @ NYU’s Creative Commons Art Show 2006, Free Culture Florida is putting on Open Art, a Creative Commons art show in the University of Florida’s Reitz Union Gallery. The show will feature mixed media and prints. Digital versions of the latter may be viewed at the Open Art 2007…

Jamendo artists' revenue share

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Jamendo (an innovative music community site using CC licenses) has launched its advertising revenue sharing program with artists. The picture below explains the deal. Click on it for an explainer. See last month’s post on Jamendo reaching 2000 albums and adding new features. Congratulations once again to the Jamendo team! Digg!

Write a business book with Wharton, MIT Sloan, and Pearson

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The Wall Street Journal on a new ‘Wiki’ book project: In a move that could shake up the book industry, publishing giant Pearson PLC is joining with two top business schools to create a business book authored and edited by a “wiki” — an online community dedicated to writing … The wiki book, produced by…

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum’s "The Concert"

Open Culture post

Visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum’s website to download “The Concert,” a new classical music podcast offered under the Creative Commons Music Sharing license. The podcast features unreleased live performances by master musicians and talented young artists recorded from the museum’s Sunday Concert Series. “The Concert” includes music by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, and Chopin for…

Creative Commons Birthday Party

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Creative Commons Turns Four! Please join us on Friday, December 15, 2006, from 9pm until 2am, to celebrate Creative Commons’ birthday! Raise a glass and toast the four years that CC has worked to promote and enable a participatory culture. CC’s big day is being hosted by the good people at Songbird – the supercool…

America's smartest economist on sharing

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A profile of Kevin Murphy, called by some the smartest economist in America, mentions Murphy’s research on outsized gains from medical research. What happens when Murphy starts to think a little harder about innovation? Although they are still “working some” on the economics of health and medicine, Murphy and Topel also have started to “think…

Beatpick Artists Included In Mercedes Benz Mixtape Compilation

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Beatpick, which bills itself as the Fairplay Music Label and releases tracks online under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license, has had two of its artists handpicked by Mercedes Benz for inclusion in Mercedes’ Mixtape compilation 14. Mercedes entered into a separate, non-exclusive licensing deal to use the tracks from the artists Foley and Napolitano Lounge…