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Global CC Birthday Parties: Catch the Live Stream!

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Ten confirmed global CC@5 parties in eight countries spanning six time zones: how to catch it all? The generous team at, alongside Berlin’s seasoned Erik Stripparo, have offered to help. Starting in Berlin December 14th at 2000 UTC (2100 Central European Time), we will be streaming CC Birthday Parties around the globe. You can…

IHEARTCOMIX adds CC Licenses to Remix Contests

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IHEARTCOMIX, a record label and events promotion group based out of LA, have recently added CC BY-NC licenses to their remix contests for both HEARTSREVOLUTION’s “C.Y.O.A” and Ocelot’s “Lo Sforzo”. Both songs are seriously cool and the winning remixes will land up sharing respective vinyl space with their source tracks. It is great to see…

Anepsosis Uses CC for MMMORPG Character Art

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Anepsosis, an open-source 3D MMORPG, has recentlly decided to release all of their game art (which includes texts, pictures, sketches, drawings, 3D art, and sounds) under a CC BY-SA license. This allows all the content created by the Anepsosis community, not just the final game, to remain open and free, adding additional functionality to the…

Steal This Film (Part Two)

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The League of Noble Peers has done it again. Steal This Film Part II, the appropriately named sequel to Steal This Film Part I, is coming soon (if not already) to a tracker near you. The film, although regrettably not under a CC license, features interviews with Lawrence Liang, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Fred von Lohmann, and…

Is your art for the 21st century?

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Author Cory Doctorow, asked for the millionth time “What’s the deal with giving away your stuff for free?” by Joel Turnipseed guestblogging at, covers the the usual economic and ethical grounds, and also comes up with something new and wonderful (emphasis added): But then there is the artistic reason: we live in a century…


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Artabase is a beta social networking site for the arts community that “aims to become the world’s best online database of art history” by turning contemporary event listings into a growing database of artistic happenings. Artabase’s concept is based around a collective definition of history, and as such, they recently adopted CC-licences in their uploading…

Fair Use Salon at LA Art Crawl X This Sunday (10/14)

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This Sunday, October 12th 14th, I will be joining Jack Learner, Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor of Law and Acting Director at the USC Intellectual Property and Technology Law Clinic, for a discussion of fair use and the arts as part of Art Crawl X. It will be taking place at the FoundLA Gallery in Silverlake…

Thank You Six Apart and Live Journal

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Last night at the CC Salon in San Francisco, Six Apart presented CC with an impressive donation raised entirely by their LiveJournal community through sales of permanent accounts. Over 600 people bought permanent accounts and chose Creative Commons as a recipient of a portion of that sale. CC CEO Lawrence Lessig was on hand to…

wikiHow Reaches 25,000 Articles

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With the addition of “How to Make an Eiskaffee (Creamy Iced Coffee)” on September 21, the 25,000th article was added to wikiHow. wikiHow is a wiki whose community works to build and share the world’s largest, highest quality how-to manual. Articles include everything from everyday tasks such as maintaining a vacuum cleaner and tying a…

Red Hat and “Bird Song: A Cartoon Requiem for DRM”

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A bit late (exactly a month in fact), but in case you missed it the first time as well, Red Hat posted an amazing short about DRM titled “Bird Song: A Cartoon Requiem for DRM”. Its a beautifully made animation and Red Hat has gone the distance in licensing the different elements under a CC…