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SomeRightsReserved, CC Licensed Design

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SomeRightsReserved is a download-only design firm that produces “blueprints to a range of different products and objects”, connecting “designer straight to consumer, empowering all parties.” SRR uses different CC licences on different products, enabling customers to take the ideas therein and use them in a variety of different ways. From SSR: Imagine being able to…

Brad Sucks

Open Culture post

Brad Sucks, a CC license using pop/rock musician, recently released his latest album Out Of It for free online and under a CC BY-SA license. Brad is one of the most remixed artists over at ccMixter, runs an active blog, interacts with fans directly, and was recently interview by the Featured Commoners behind The Indie…

H-Net Reviews

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H-Net is “an international consortium of scholars and teachers…[creating] and [coordinating] Internet networks with the common objective of advancing teaching and research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. H-Net is committed to pioneering the use of new communication technology to facilitate the free exchange of academic ideas and scholarly resources.” Recently, H-Net took a step…

REMINDER: CC Salon NYC is Tomorrow Night

Events post

Just a quick reminder that the CC Salon NYC is happening tomorrow night! The Open Planning Project has once again generously allowed us to use their loft space in the West Village for the salon and a reception afterward. September’s Salon will feature presentations from Rachel Sterne from, and a special screening / premier…


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Creative Commons is working with Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) to create Jordan jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Jordan List Project Leads: Ziad Maraqa (Legal Cases & Court Decisions Manager, AGIP) and Rami Olwan (Researcher at CCI ARC Center for Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation). License draft v3.0 (PDF). English re-translation…

The Free Culture Game

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The Free Culture Game, created by Molleindustria, is a flashed based abstract art piece that attempts to articulate the interplay between the commons and culture at large. Released under a CC BY-NC-SA license, we heard about it first on our community lists, but it has since been getting some nice traction elsewhere on the blogosphere.…

FSCONS: Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit

Events post

Free Culture, Free Software, and Free Content will join forces under the banner of “Free Society” at FSCONS on October 24-26 at the IT University of Götheborg, Sweden. The orgnaizing trinity, Creative Commons Sweden, Free Software Foundation Europe, and Wikimedia Sverige, see FSCONS as a chance to reach out with their respective communities and build…

The Indie Band Survival Guide

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Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan are true polymaths – founders of the pop band Beatnik Turtle, authors of The Indie Band Survival Guide, and a computer engineer and attorney respectively, they continuously have their hands in a bevy of different projects. Their most recent project, the wide publication of The Indie Band Survival Guide –…

COMMUNIA: A growing European network

Events post

Earlier this month, Mike gave us a sneak preview of several not-to-be-missed conferences in Europe this October. COMMUNIA kicks off the list with its 3rd Workshop, this time held in Amsterdam on October 20-21. The Amsterdam workshop will tackle Marking the public domain: relinquishment & certification, and the CC0 beta/discussion draft 3 will be one of…