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Mozilla Concept Series

Technology post

The Mozilla Concept Series is a recently announced initiative from Mozilla to garner greater participation in creating their newest browser, Aurora. While there are some intriguing inaugural designs, the most engaging part of the project is that Mozilla is pooling the greater web community for submissions in the form of ideas, mockups (textual/visual examples), and…


Uncategorized post

Creative Commons is working with the Vienna University of Economics to create Austria jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi Austria List Project Lead: Dr. Florian Philapitsch, LL.M. CC 3.0 – German explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF) CC 1.0 – License draft (PDF). CC 1.0 – English explanation of substantive legal changes (PDF).…

THE "IP" Court Supports Enforceability of CC Licenses

About CC post

San Francisco, CA, USA — August 13, 2008 The United States Court of Appeals held, in Jacobsen v. Katzer, that “Open Source” or public license licensors are entitled to copyright infringement relief. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC), the leading intellectual property court in the United States, has upheld a free copyright…

San Francisco Salon is Tonight

Uncategorized post

Don’t forget to come out to the CC Salon in San Francisco tonight! The lineup features a screening of a CC-licensed film from Arts Engine, Inc. along with our own Eric Steuer who will discuss the soon to be launched Film Maker’s Toolkit. Rob Sloan from Current TV will be wrapping up the evening. The…

ZaidLearn Publishes "69 Learning Adventures in 6 Galaxies"

Uncategorized post

One of my must-read blogs on technology and education, ZaidLearn has been rating various learning tools since July of last year. The blog was started by e-Learning Manager for INCEIF, Zaid Alsagoff, who has done research in the areas of “educational gaming, role-play simulation, virtual classrooms, learning (content) management systems, e-learning standards” and “instructional design…

Openmoko opens up their schematics

Uncategorized post

With the great success of releasing their CAD files under a Creative Commons license Openmoko, the Open Source mobile telephone company, announced that they will also release the schematics. CAD files are the design specification for how the phone looks (size, shape, etc) while the schematics are the designs of the electronics inside. Included with…

Danny O’Brien on Copying and Attribution in a Digital Age

Uncategorized post

Cory Doctorow points us to a great post by EFF’s International Outreach Coordinator Danny O’Brien (NOTE: O’Brien didn’t write the article on behalf of EFF, rather on his own time on a personal blog) on the cultural difference between ‘attribution’ and ‘copying’ on the Internet. O’Brien makes the astute point that while copying is relatively…

Danny O’Brien on Copying and Attribution in a Digital Age

Uncategorized post

Cory Doctorow points us to a great post by EFF’s International Outreach Coordinator Danny O’Brien (NOTE: O’Brien didn’t write the article on behalf of EFF, rather on his own time on a personal blog) on the cultural difference between ‘attribution’ and ‘copying’ on the Internet. O’Brien makes the astute point that while copying is relatively…

The Indie Band Survival Guide

Uncategorized post

The Indie Band Survival Guide, originally released as a CC-licensed PDF, has gone professional with a recent pressing in physical form. Written by Randy Chertkow and Jason Feehan (otherwise known as Chicago-based band Beatnik Turtle), the book explores the ability for indie bands to be successful on their own, without the help of a major…

An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube

Uncategorized post

Michael Wesch, creator of the strikingly insightful videos “A Vision of Students Today” and “The Machine is Us/ing Us”, gave a presentation at the Library of Congress back in May on the anthropology of YouTube. The presentation was the third in a series called “Digital Natives,” natives being basically my and probably your generation if…