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CC on the charts

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Ok, #9 on the Toronto Eye’s Anti-Hit List, with very some cool company. It’s a start! Here’s the Eye’s pick on CC Mixter: fake french [le tigre est fatiguĂ©], featuring samples from several WIRED CD tracks. It’s about discovery now.

Duke Law School's Arts Project Moving Image Contest

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Duke Law School, Center for the Study of the Public Domain, has posted the eight finalists to their Arts Project Moving Image Contest. The contest asked entrants to create short films demonstrating some of the tensions between art and intellectual property law, and the intellectual property issues artists face, focusing on either music or documentary…

The Fine Art of Sampling Contest

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Today we launched a new site, and a new contest. Check out CC Mixter to win a chance to be on the next Fine Arts Militia album featuring Chuck D, or a chance to be featured on the Creative Commons release, THE WIRED CD: Ripped. Sampled. Mashed. Shared. Sample The Beastie Boys, David Byrne, DJ…

The Fine Art of Sampling Contest

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On December 15, 2004 Creative Commons will launch the Fine Art of Sampling Contest. The contest intends to build off of the WIRED CD, where contestants will be challenged to sample the WIRED CD song(s) they love most, into their own creation of musical genius. Look for the announcement here on December 15th!

Undead Art

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The undead art contest is over and winners have been announced. Taking first prize is the very well done bit of droll humor How to Survive a Zombie Epidemic. All of the entries and source material are in the public domain or CC-licensed, so you’re free to reuse in your own horror spoof, music…

La creation en partage

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CC French project lead Melanie Dulong de Rosnay and Daniele Bourcier have just published ‘International Commons at the Digital Age – la creation en partage‘, a book with some valuable chapters on our first experiences with the internationalized CC licenses. The book was written as a contribution to a day-long event in Paris on November…

Opsound Party: CBGB NYC December 2

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If you’re in New York City get over to CBGB Lounge next Thursday for a party celebrating Opsound’s first CD release. Buy the CD and download the MP3s by the band Catalpa Catalpa. All tracks are CC licensed, as is everything in the Opsound Pool. Congratulations to Opsound founder Sal Randolph and all of the…

One artist's view of filesharing

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Scott Andrew Lepera, previously featured in our Audio section a couple years back, has a great post today looking at the benefits and costs of filesharing to a small, independent artist. He weighs the pros and cons of both filesharing and digital rights management (DRM), and comes to a different conclusion than he once held.…

California Lawyers For the Arts

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Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking on a panel at the California Laywers for the Arts, Music Business Seminar. It was a great event — we discussed how the Internet is affecting commercial music distribution, and business models. In the context of the file-sharing debate, I spoke about how Creative Commons can clarify whether…