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The WIRED CD: What the Artists Think

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One of the many cool aspects of the November issue of WIRED are the blurbs about each artist who contributed to the CD. In the print mag, they dot the many-page Creative Commons spread like Easter eggs. Example: Track 7: Dan the Automator/Relaxation Spa Treatment The busy brain behind groups like Deltron 3030, Dr. Octagon,…

Open Copyright License Discussion to Start in Belgium

About CC post

Creative Commons begins work with the University of Namur’s cyberlaw research center to offer Belgian versions of its “some rights reserved” copyright licenses San Francisco, USA and Brussels, BELGIUM Oct. 19, 2004 Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, announced today its plans to…

Art, not law — a new radio program

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The Creative Remix, with host Benjamen Walker, is an hour-long “lawyer free” examination of the art, culture, and history of the remix. The hour kicks off with a musical analysis of DJ Dangermouse’s infamous remix of the Beatles and Jay-Z. Then we go back in time to check out the ancient Roman art of the…

"We, the Media" Launch Partied

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A few days ago we had a very successful book launch party for Dan Gillmor’s We, the Media at our new offices. Several attendees blogged the party: JD Lasica Dan Gillmor Brian Dear Marc Canter Leave a comment if I missed one.

Art Mobs in Slate

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Slate is running a piece today entitled “Art Mobs” that takes a look at how collaboration between artists has changed as things move online. It covers graphical, film, and text pieces, but the best example is a song. We’ve profiled MacJams before, the site built around sharing tracks for Apple’s Garageband users. They’ve got Creative…

Make anything on earth a derivative work

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Today while I was at a web conference, a speaker used an incredible MIT Media Lab project as a demo during a talk. Check out the I/O brush project. The project appears to be a camera that can take a photo still or video of anything you point it at, then the captured images can…

How on Earth Was I Nominated For A Grammy?

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Independent childrens recording artist Zak Morgan‘s second album was nominated for Grammy this year. The amazing part is that he is without any label backing: he produces his own albums, coordinates his own tours, and sells his CDs along the way. In this posting to CDBaby’s site, he tells the story of how he went…

Chart topping Donald Rumsfeld and his poetry

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Proving that culture can be remixed in almost real-time, a group from San Francisco has created an album of piano and opera versions of US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s statements to the press. They offer sound samples and the lyrics pulled from press briefings on their site, and are currently on tour. Rumsfeld himself has…