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Today seems to be the day that unique, experimental, CC-licensed record labels show up on our radar. 8bitpeoples, “a collective of artists sharing a common love for classic videogames”, specializes in retro video game goodness, creating music that reflects a clear obsession with old NES soundtracks and the wonderfully brittle noises of the Commodore 64.…


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Jahtari is a German dub/reggae web label that releases the majority of their music under a CC BY-NC-ND license. Specializing in what they call Digital Laptop Reggae, Jahtari focus on the collision between the free form aesthetics and rhythm of dub/reggae music and the inelastic nature of computer based electronica. Both stylistic movements focus heavily…

Lessig Library

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Exact Editions, a company that “makes magazines, books and other printed documents accessible, searchable and usable on the web”, recentlly added CC CEO and founder Lawrence Lessig’s Future of Ideas, Code 2.0, and Free Culture to their database. This means you can now power-peruse Lessig-ology to your heart’s content. From Exact Editions: The books carry…

Introducing the new ccLearn website

Open Education post

ccLearn, the educational division of Creative Commons, was launched in Fall, 2007. Since then, we have been very busy setting priorities and managing a few key projects, such as the (Open) Education Search project and helping with the Cape Town Open Education Declaration. In the meantime, we have been putting together plans and materials for…

OLPC + CC Hackathon

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Check out the OLPC book & music drive and XO hackathon going on this weekend. From SJ: Share the love with One Laptop per Child, the Creative Commons, Textbook Revolution, and the entire world! We are collecting all the free books, movies, music, and other content that we can in the next five days! Then,…

commons-research list

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There’s a new mailing list spearheaded by Giorgos Cheliotis (see past posts concerning his research) has been set up for researchers critiquing, investigating, quantifying, or otherwise researching Creative Commons and the commons more broadly. Researchers from all fields are welcome. Visit commons-research to join (thanks again to ibiblio for hosting this and many other CC-related…

2008 Summer Internships

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For all the students who have been patiently waiting, Creative Commons has posted summer internship positions. Please spread the word to interested college or graduate students. We are currently looking for a Community Development, a Business Development, a Technology, and a Development intern. Three full-time and one part-time (Development) positions are available in total. Applicants…

Bayanihan Books, an Open Textbook Initiative

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Bayanihan is a Tagalog term originating from the root word Bayani, or hero.  Today, Bayanihan represents an heroic effort on the part of the community, or the actions of a group of people that result in a common good.  Greg Moreno’s new initiative, Bayanihan Books, is aptly named.    With 17.5 million public school students in the Philippines, affordable…

CC Salon in Chennai

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The first ever CC Salon in India will be held in Chennai on Saturday, February 9th at 4:00pm in The Camp. Come stop by for a discussion on Creative Commons, musical performances, networking, games, and a CC Birthday Party & dinner. Our thanks to Kiruba Shankar for his efforts in organizing! Interested in hosting a…

Anomolo Records Launches English Site

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Anomolo Records, an Italian based net-label that has been active for over 5 years, recently launched an English version of their website, extending a backlog of CC-licensed music to an entirely new demographic. Anomolo utilize a variety of CC licenses (differing depending on the artist) and have seen serious traction, amassing over 450,000 downloads since…