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ACIA: Asia Commoners meet in Taipei

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Reports are pouring in from ACIA: the International Workshop on Asia and Commons in the Information Age, held on January 19-20 in Taipei, Taiwan. The resounding conclusion: it was a phenomenal success! The workshop, organized by CC Taiwan and hosted at Academica Sinica, focused on bringing together members of the “Asia Commons” to meet and…

Teachers, Students, Web Gurus, and Foundations Launch Campaign to Transform Education, Call for Free, Adaptable Learning Materials Online

Press post

ccLearn, the education division of Creative Commons, was one of the core participants in the drafting of the Cape Town Open Education Declaration, publicly launched yesterday. Creative Commons’ CEO, Lawrence Lessig, is a leading signatory, as are many CC friends and affiliates the world over. We encourage you to share the news and to sign…

Public Broadcasters Opt for CC

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Public broadcasters often ask themselves: how to better enable tax payers to access the works that they have paid for? This was the question that the BBC, the public broadcaster for the United Kingdom, addressed in 2004 during the debate over its charter renewal. The result of their deliberations was a yearlong pilot, the Creative…

Tone Releases Small Arm of Sea

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Today marks the release of Small Arm of Sea, the debut album by female indietronica singer, songwriter and producer Tone (Sofie Nielsen). While the album itself is unique in its style and substance, seamlessly combining abstract electronic composition techniques with a clear pop sensibility, it is equally as intriguing in terms of distribution. Small Arm…

Doctorow Completes Reading of Sterling's "The Hacker Crackdown"

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Cory Doctorow has completed recording an audiobook version of Bruce Sterling’s The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier. This important book captures the rise of the hacker subculture and documents the beginnings of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Doctorow spent the last year recording installments of the book, releasing incremental podcasts on his…

Monk Turner

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In our most recent “Featured Commoner” piece, we catch up with musician Monk Turner, who experiments not only with a variety of musical styles but also distribution techniques, having released a slew of concept albums through the internet archive (all CC licensed). His most recent album, Monk Turner’s Calendar, came out this past week and…

CC0 beta/discussion draft launch

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CC0 is a Creative Commons project designed to promote and protect the public domain by 1) enabling authors to easily waive their copyrights in particular works and to communicate that waiver to others, and 2) providing a means by which any person can assert that there are no copyrights in a particular work, in a…

2008 Science Video Collection and Remix Challenge

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If you have access to educational science videos for kids (or if you even want to make your own), ccLearn encourages you to participate in the 2008 Science Video Collection and Remix Challenge! Check out the website for official details, but here’s the important stuff. Deadline is March 31, 2008. The grand prize includes: $2,000…

Philippine Launch Celebration: a vibrant member of the global commons

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Following the unveiling of the Philippine localized Creative Commons licenses in December, citizens will gather on January 14th in Manila to celebrate in full the public launch of the country’s completed licenses and its strides towards fostering the global commons movement. The launch activities are scheduled to take place from 1:00pm to 9:00pm at the…