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Enrico Casarosa on CC

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Enrico Casarosa, a story artist at Pixar and creator of “SketchCrawl,” recently posted some thoughts about Creative Commons on his personal blog, capping his entry with the statement “Why not share ideas?”. Casarosa’s SketchCrawl encourages artists and non-artists alike to draw/paint/sketch continuously for an entire day, simply for the purpose of pushing one’s creative boundaries…

Scobleizing the public domain

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Superblogger Rober Scoble recently took a ton of photos of famous people at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and released the photos into the public domain, along with all of his other photos posted on Flickr. (Note that Flickr’s most liberal license option is CC Attribution, so that’s what he’s chosen there.) Of…

Wikitravel Press launches first printed titles

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Wikitravel Press announced its first printed guidebooks, Wikitravel Chicago and Wikitravel Singapore. Like the Wikitravel site, the books are licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike, allowing sharing and adaption, including commercial uses. Taking collaboratively created material to print is another landmark for the Wikitravel community, and another commercial success for Wikitravel’s founders, who sold the site to…

Creative Commons licensing for public sector information

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Paul Keller from CC Netherlands on a tremendously informative new report: As part of the activities of Creative Commons Netherlands the Institute for information Law has been undertaking research into an number of issues connected to the use of the Creative Commons Licenses. In 2007 much of this research has focused on the use of…

Lawrence Lessig to Give Final Presentation on Free Culture and Copyright

About CC post

Lawrence Lessig to Give Final Presentation on Free Culture and Copyright San Francisco, CA, USA — January 29, 2008 Creative Commons founder and Stanford professor Lawrence Lessig will give his final presentation on free culture, copyright, and the future of ideas at Stanford’s Memorial Auditorium on January 31st, 2008 at 1pm. After 10 years of…

Open Educational Resources Aid Florida Reading Teachers

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eSchools News reports that the state of Florida has recently added the open content reading website to its list of approved curriculum resources. Officials said is the first open instructional program granted bona fide state approval, and OER supporters see momentum building in the idea that a “public, collaborative, continuously modified online curriculum…

James Patrick Kelly

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Over the holidays, we caught up with acclaimed writer (and podcaster) James Patrick Kelly and asked him some questions regarding the interesting and unique ways he has embraced CC licenses for his work. Read on to find out what positives Kelly has seen in using CC as well as which CC evangelist (hint: he also…

Wikimedia Commons Pictures of the Year

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The awesome Wikimedia Commons community just finished selecting its 2007 picture of the year: Newton2 / CC BY We neglected to mention last years’ winner: United States Air Force photo by Senior Airman Joshua Strang / public domain All content on Wikimedia Commons is free to use and remix, including commercially, often under liberal CC…

Ford encourages fans with CC BY photos

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Cory Doctorow posts an interesting story about Ford car fans whose fan creations were pulled from CafePress, supposedly due to trademark. Ford backed its fans. That shouldn’t be unusual, but good for Ford for being not stupidsmart about the matter. And Ford has further demonstrated that it values and respects people who love Ford cars…

24/7: A DIY Video Summit

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From February 8 – 10, the Institute for Multimedia Literacy at the University of Southern California will be holding a phenomenal series of panels and screenings focused on DIY video in the digital age, tittled “24/7: A DIY Video Summit“. Topics of discussion range from the artistry and aesthetics involved in this new form of…