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Australia Creative Resource Online

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Australia Creative Resource Online, a project funded by the Australian government, has launched its pilot site. Their aim is to create a digital junkyard, and have articulated a very compelling economic argument as to why this should exist. Currently, they are taking submissions for content, and are even willing to (selectively) digitize your content for…

DJ Spooky's new book Rhythm Science

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DJ Spooky (aka Paul Miller), early supporter of Creative Commons, has recently released his new book, Rhythm Science. The subject matter is very Creative Commons in philosphy as he explores ways to think about rebuilding culture. Here’s an excerpt from the site: “Taking the Dj’s mix as template, he describes how the artist, navigating the…

Wikipedia Publishing CC Metadata

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Wikipedia now publishes license metadata, using the Creative Commons license metadata vocabulary to describe the GNU FDL license. Browsing Wikipedia with mozCC installed. MediaWiki, the software that runs Wikipedia, now has support for CC metadata built in. WikiTravel, a CC-licensed world travel guide also already uses this capability. Many thanks to Brion Vibber and Evan…

Gnome, Longhorn, Tiger, …, and CC metadata

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We are happy to hear that current and upcoming operating systems will have built-in support for application-level metadata. Gnome (Linux), Longhorn (next version of Windows) , and Tiger (next release of OS X) all will be offering some way to store and search metadata for files and applications. Google is also expected to get into…

Wicket Cool

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Cricket fans, take note:‘s photo journals feature user-submitted pics of cricket matches from the West Indies, all licensed under a Creative Commons license. Here’s a nice mid-bowl action shot.

CC MP3 GUI Tagger

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Creative Commons has a simple strategy for linking licensing information in mp3s and other media files often found on P2P networks back to the web. Until now implementing that strategy was rather a pain for publishers. The only tools were command line, and those depended upon a gaggle of libraries not already installed on a…

Fix Web Multimedia

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Lucas Gonze: What I am thinking is that we need a tech social movement to fix web multimedia by insisting that web standards be followed. REST was such a movement in the protocol space. The Zeldman-inspired movement to use structural HTML and CSS only did the same thing with design. This would be a direct…

Wilco pays for spycasts

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Wired has a bizarre story of music and sampling royalties involving found sound recordings by one person sold as CDs which the band Wilco sampled from. What is unusual about the case is the company claiming copyright on the sounds, Irdial Discs, didn’t perform or write the shortwave broadcasts of what is reportedly hours of…

A few select photos from Software Livre

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As mentioned earlier on the blog, Creative Commons took part in 5th Annual Software Livre Conference in Porto Alegre earlier this month. Here are some select photos from the event: The IBM booth. The pillar says “the future is open” in Portuguese: A conference sign: The Minster of Culture’s booth, displaying both of our stickers:…

Street Memes

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Street Memes is a new Eyebeam R&D project designed to track the spread of street art. All submissions are licensed under the Noncommercial-ShareAlike licence. Read more about it, or just grab a camera!