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I’m attending the O’Reilly Open Source Convention this week in Portland, OR. The convention tutorials got started yesterday, and there’s great blog coverage, cataloged here. I’ll be attending tutorials today, and then the conference sessions for the remainder of the week. Track me down, tell me why you love CC and I’ll shower you with…

Musicians large and small on internet downloading

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CNN is currently carrying an interesting interview with musician Peter Gabriel. Gabriel always seems to be at the bleeding edge of technology, and he describes two of his net music ventures, On Demand Distribution, a backend company that works on music payment and fulfillment systems, and his pet project with Brian Eno, The Magnificent Union…

Moving in with OSAF

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The CC team at OSAF: Nathan Yergler, Francesca Rodriquez, Mike Linksvayer, Neeru Paharia, Glenn Otis Brown, James Grimmelmann, and Matt Haughey. Last week Creative Commons moved offices from the Stanford campus to San Francisco into the fantastic space shared by the Open Source Applications Foundation, Level Playing Field, and parts of the Mozilla Foundation. Mitch…

Flickr Featured Commoner

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This month’s featured commoner interview is up, which covers our interview with Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield. In it, he talks about Flickr’s unique features, their history, and why they’re using Creative Commons licenses.

Eric Eldred in the Boston Globe

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In honor of the 150th anniversary for Thoreau’s Walden, Creative Commons co-founder Eric Eldred decided to share and print free public domain copies of Walden (here’s the Word doc version at Eldred’s own site) at Walden Pond, but was asked to leave. The Boston Globe published an article about this yesterday, complete with a great…

International Private Law

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One of the larger and more interesting questions arising in connection with Creative Commons’s global expansion is the question of whether the various iCommons licences are internationally compatible. The question arises because porting / transposing the CC licenses into diffferent jurisdictions involves a process of both translation and legal adapation. The latter is made necessary…

Do the Recombo. In Brazil. Now. Again.

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Renaldo “Recombo” Lemos of Creative Commons Brazil reports more good news: “Following the same steps of Gilberto Gil and Mombojo, the Brazilian electronic group Gerador Zero has decided to go Recombo. Gerador Zero is one of the most inventive music projects in Brazil. Fabio FZero, their mastermind, has managed to create music that is hard…

Lou Reed loves remixes

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Lou Reed is another artist that should check out the Recombo license. Here’s a great quote from him about his most recent recordings being remixed in this story: “I’ve been getting all these great mixes sent to me out of the U.K. for years and years,” he told Attitude magazine, “and I just started saying…

Do You Code-Switch? Yet Another Reason to Go Some Rights Reserved

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People who study race, gender, and anthropology sometimes talk about “code-switching“: the way a person who straddles different cultures (poor and rich, minority and majority, north and south) learns to toggle between the lingo and mannerisms of each to survive, or in some cases, thrive. One of the several “ah ha!” moments of Siva Vaidhyanathan‘s…

Public Radio Exchange

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The Washington Post has a nice article about the innovative and all-around-fantastic Public Radio Exchange today. PRX bills itself as “an online service for peer-review and digital distribution of public radio programming”: it’s a low-friction clearinghouse for great radio. In the words of the article: Every minute of every hour, great gobs of fantastic, imaginative…