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Nature on open access publishing

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One of the kings of scientific publishing, the journal Nature, has recently launched a forum to bring together articles and information about open access publishing. They’ve even got an RSS feed for updates to the forum. It’s great to see a top journal open a dialogue about a somewhat controversial issue in the scientific publishing…

Garageband adds Creative Commons

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Wired has a short write-up of the GarageBand (the website for musicians, not the Apple software) annoucement to include a Creative Commons license during song uploads. If you’ve never tried out GarageBand, sign up and give it a whirl. Listeners rate song samples as one vs. another, and you can view the top rated songs…

This Week in Amateur Radio

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People from all around the world get together via a technology medium that allows them to form relationships through a global, far-flung community even though they have never met face to face. It may not be the first thing that comes to your mind, but amateur radio is alive and well thank you very much.…

Announcing (and explaining) our new 2.0 licenses

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Last night, after many months of gathering and processing great feedback from all of you, we turned on version 2.0 of the main Creative Commons licenses. The 2.0 licenses are very similar to the 1.0 licenses — in aim, in structure, and, by and large, in the text itself. We’ve included, however, a few key…

Subscribe to Free Content

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In case you missed it among our other many cool re-design features this fall, I’d strongly recommended subscribing to the RSS feeds for Common Content (RSS here) and the Internet Archive (RSS here). Put them in your favorite blog-/news-reader, and you’ve got a fresh batch of free culture waiting for you every morning.

Can CC Kill Spam?

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Well, maybe not on its own. But now that I’ve gotten your attention with that spammish subject line, you might want to check out John Henshaw’s tips for avoiding spam at Family Resource, licensed under a Creative Commons license — which means you can copy and send them to everyone in your address book. Thanks…

New features, new coding, new content

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Today we’ve flipped the switch on the newly revamped Creative Commons website. There are a few new features, a lot of updated content, and a general reorganization of the site. Our newest feature is the Artists Corners section of the site, linked right off the front page. Until now, much of the site’s content has…

Metadata embedding and verfication plan for MP3 & other formats

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A big part of the OYEZ Supreme Court audio announcement today is our new strategy for helping people associate license information with MP3s. (We’ll soon move on to other file formats.) Right now we’re just showing people how to associate verifiable license links with files. But we want to encourage the developer community and various…

Blog Comments Enabled

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Our weblog now takes comments. So if you’ve got feedback about the several potential license innovations we debuted this week — a sampling option, an educational use option, a link-back requirement, and a safe harbor for commercial search engines — please post your thoughts and let public discussion begin.

Tim Hadley on licensing your weblog

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Last month, a few folks in the world of weblogs asked some good, hard questions about Creative Commons licensing of their works. (We covered that discussion here). At the time, Denise Howell put a request out to other lawyers to weigh in on the issue, and recently, attorney Tim Hadley did so. Tim’s exhaustive analysis…