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Zarya of the Dawn: US Copyright Office Affirms Limits on Copyright of AI Outputs

Better Internet, Copyright, Licenses & Tools, Open Creativity, Technology post
Close up of the face of Zarya, from the comic Zarya of the Dawn, looking intent in a dark urban landscape with glowing lights. “Zarya of the Dawn”: detail of an image generated by Midjourney AI from the full graphic novel by Kristina Kashtanova.

In a recent post, we explained why, absent significant and direct human creative input, generative AI outputs should not qualify for copyright protection. We noted that exactly what constitutes enough human input is not entirely clear; while a simple text prompt shouldn’t be enough, other areas will present more complex questions. Just this week, the…

CC Open Education Platform Lightning Talks February 2023: Recordings and Slides

Open Education post

On 2 February 2023, the Creative Commons Open Education Platform community held Lightning Talks, where presenters shared innovative ideas and technologies in the field of Open Education. Each speaker brought unique expertise to the table, sparking conversations and inspiring new ideas. You can watch the replay below. The Lightning Talk Presenters: Reimagining Open Education as…

This Is Not a Bicycle: Human Creativity and Generative AI

Better Internet, Licenses & Tools, Open Creativity, Technology post
An image generated by the DALL-E 2 AI platform showing a slightly distorted yellowish-white bicycle with a basket, rear rack, and orange chain guard leaning against a brick building with a white stucco base near a gray standpipe. Bicycle”, here slightly cropped, by Stephen Wolfson for Creative Commons was generated by the DALL-E 2 AI platform with the text prompt “bicycle.” CC dedicates any rights it holds to the image to the public domain via CC0.

“Generative AI” has been the subject of much online conversation over the past few months. “Generative AI” refers to artificial intelligence (AI) models that can create different kinds of content by following user input and instructions. These models are trained on massive datasets of content — images, audio, text — that is harvested from the…

Panel Recap: 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage Preservation, Access and Revitalization

Open Culture post
Glowing greenish 2-dimensional view of statues of human figures in a 3-dimensional scan of the interior of in the Hypogeum of the Volumnis in Perugia, Italy. 3D view of the Tablinum in the Hypogeum of the Volumnis, Perugia, Italy by CyArk, via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

On 7 February 2023, Creative Commons hosted a panel discussion on 3D scanning, preservation, access and revitalization of cultural heritage. Missed it? Not to worry, it was recorded.    Here are some of our top takeaways from discussion:    To increase access to cultural content, advocacy efforts that appeal to museums’ higher values of making cultural…

Fair Use: Training Generative AI

Better Internet, Copyright, Licenses & Tools, Open Creativity, Technology post
Generated by AI: An oil painting in the style of Pieter Jansz Saenredam of a robot learning to follow a recipe in a Dutch kitchen with a large collection of tiny artworks arranged haphazardly on shelves. “Robot Training” by Creative Commons was generated by the DALL-E 2 AI platform with the text prompt “an oil painting in the style of Pieter Jansz Saenredam of a robot learning to follow a recipe in a Dutch kitchen with a large collection of tiny artworks arranged haphazardly on shelves.” CC dedicates any rights it holds to the image to the public domain via CC0.

While generative AI as a tool for artistic expression isn’t truly new — AI has been used to create art since at least the 1970s and the art auction house Christie’s sold its first piece of AI artwork in 2018 — the past year launched this exciting and disruptive technology into public awareness.  With incredible…