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GiftTrap / board game remix contest with CC elements

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GiftTrap is a fun new board game based on predicting what gifts other players might like. It uses more than 600 cards that feature user-submitted photos of gifts – many of these images are Creative Commons-licensed and shot by Flickr photographers. The company behind GiftTrap has recently announced the GiftTRAP Experience, a contest where people…

Google Summer of Code Wrap-up

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This summer Creative Commons had the privilege of participating in the Google Summer of Code. The Summer of Code is an opportunity for students to gain experience working on open source projects with financial support from Google. Participating projects provide mentoring to the students, and benefit from their efforts through the summer. Creative Commons had…

Commercial under CC

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CC licensing commercials, at least under a restrictive Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license, seems like a no-brainer (adverisers should want their message spread as much as possible) and allowing derivatives not much of a stretch (going “viral” and all that), but not many have taken these steps. Now multimedia pioneer Marc Canter has published a commercial for his…

Build Your Own Portal

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Zimbio is fairly new to the scene — it allows people to build and participate in “public portals” with others who share their interests. A portal can include photographs, links to websites and articles, a group blog, online discussion forum, recommended RSS feeds, and live chat about the subject. While we’ve all learned to love…

iSummit coverage

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Most of Creative Commons staff is in Rio de Janiero this weekend for the iCommons iSummit. See the iSummit coverage site for panel writeups, podcasts, and images from the conference. It is a pleasure to have a few days of face to face collaboration with our worldwide affiliates and extended community. Update: Participate online in…


Open Culture post

Wikitravel is a wiki dedicated to providing a “free, complete, up-to-date and reliable world-wide travel guide” that is built by collaboration of wikitravellers from 42 countries around the globe and in a variety of different languages including English, German, French and Japanese. The wiki tool, of course, lets any Internet reader create, update, edit, and…

Flickr find

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Last month we noted that Flickr added the same CC search options to its advanced search that Yahoo! web search offers (Google’s advanced search has differently phrased but equivalent functionality). Now we’ve added Flickr search to our find page, from which you can now search for CC-licensed content indexed by Google and Yahoo! as well…