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Midyear license adoption estimates

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In April we belatedly blogged license adoption estimates for December 2005, which had been published elsewhere in December. That estimate, based on Google queries restricted to CC-licensed content, came to 45 million web pages under a Creative Commons license. What a difference six months make. Our current aggregate estimate, also based on Google queries for…

Warsaw Salon

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Add Warsaw to salons in Beijing and San Francisco and other events next week: Creative Commons Poland is proud to invite everyone to the first meeting of the Polish CC Salon in Warsaw. The meeting, titled “Godzilla or Gone With the Wind? Internet and Cinema” will focus on issues of open culture in relation to…


Open Education post

The DigiBarn is a computer museum located in a 90-year-old barn in California’s Santa Cruz Mountains. It is also an online repository of Creative Commons-licensed photos, video, audio, and technical documentation that tell the history of personal computing. The DigiBarn’s collections include small and big computers, game systems, software, and schwag. We recently spoke with…

Remix Art in Second Life

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This month CC is presenting a Remix Art event inspired by the Free Culture movement, in Second Life. Artists are encouraged to submit remixes based on the images from Sharing is Daring and Free Culture NYU, according to the appropriate CC licenses. Be ready to discuss your art remixes and other work! We want to…

Learn computers with pictures

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In Pictures has published 22 computer books under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 license. These books cover computer basics with several operating systems, productivity applications and basic web design and programming. These books make maximum use of images. A quote published at DesktopLinux and elsewhere explains: Most computer books contain 50,000 to 100,000 words, but…

Diesel-U-Music: Featured Tracks posted online

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The Diesel-U-Music international music competition (see our previous blog post) is now well underway, with more than 1,200 CC-licensed songs submitted. Diesel’s staff has started featuring selected music for download on the contest site — check out some of the latest picks on the Featured Tracks page.


Open Culture post

Lulu offers a publishing service for “digital do-it-yourselfers” to publish all manner of media including books, music, comics, photographs, and movies. Lulu lets creators set the license terms, including Creative Commons licenses, for their works as part of the publishing process. Authors can also set the price at which they wish to sell their content.…

Podcasting Legal Guide Released

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Creative Commons, Vogele & Associates & the Berkman Center’s Clinical Program have put together a Podcasting Legal Guide to provide general information to podcasters about legal issues they may need to consider when podcasting. The Guide has been is available both online and as a PDF under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license. A hardcopy…

Diesel–U-Music 2006 accepting entries now!

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Diesel–U-Music is back! The 2006 edition of the popular international music contest is open to unsigned artists playing rock, urban/hip-hop, and electronic music. This year’s competition is sponsored by Diesel, Sony, and Billboard, and is presented in conjunction with Creative Commons. Here’s the coolest part: All of the songs entered into the contest will be…