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200,000 CC mp3s

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The Soundclick music community passed the 200,000 mark for CC-licensed mp3s over the weekend. That’s a whole lot of music. Soundclick doesn’t offer CC-specific search or feeds, which rather points out an opportunity for aggregators. Forunately Google and Yahoo! have both indexed the Soundclick site rather well. Click on one of the previous links or…

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A few days ago we turned on a completely redesigned public wiki. The main content there now focuses on software developers. Shortly the entire technology section of the CC site will move to the wiki and will no longer be embarrassingly out of date. I want to especially draw attention to our technology challenges page.…

CC's Ts are part of the Flickr zeitgeist

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So we at CC love to watch Flickr. We love to watch the number of CC-licensed images grow and grow…We love to check out recent images that are posted to Flickr from people in different places about the things that they are witnessing on a day to day level – whether it’s the snowstorms on…

Awesome Flickr/CC tribute

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If you’ve spent any time surfing photo collections at Flickr or elsewhere, you’ll certainly appreciate Jonathan Coulton’s music video produced with CC licensed images found on Flickr: I won’t explain too much about it here, except to say that it’s an example of what Creative Commons licensing makes possible. I was able to do this…

New Featured Commoner – Pamela Jones

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Pamela Jones is December’s Featured Commoner. Jones is the founder and editor of Groklaw, an award-winning Web site that conducts complex legal research using an approach inspired by open source. What started out as a one-woman operation in 2003 has grown to a full-fledged community with hundreds of contributors and millions of daily visitors. We…

Creative Commons Announces Copyright Criminals Remix Contest

About CC post

Winning Track to Be Featured in Film; Top 12 Tracks to Appear on CD San Francisco, CA, USA ¬– December 6, 2005 Creative Commons, along with filmmakers Kembrew McLeod and Ben Franzen, today announced the Copyright Criminals Remix Contest. The competition encourages producers, DJs, and remixers from around the world to use audio snippets from…

CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on Compatibility

Copyright post

[This email is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig and others about the history and future of Creative Commons. If you would like to be removed from this list, please click here: Alternatively, if you know others who might find these interesting, please recommend they sign up at ] From…

Red Hat challenges you to support Creative Commons

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Red Hat, a company with considerable claim to being the open source leader, has generously agreed to participate in the Creative Commons fundraising campaign with a Sponsor Challenge Match. Contribute now and double the impact of your gift to Creative Commons!