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Gilberto Gil on Democracy Now

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Gilberto Gil by Joi Ito Today’s Democracy Now! episode features an extensive interview with CC advocate and Brazilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil in which he speaks at length his experiences with CC licensing in regards to culture, medicine, and the process of “democratizing the distribution of intellectual property rights”. You can read or watch…

Creative Commons Launches Global Case Studies Project

About CC post

Brisbane, Australia & San Francisco, USA — 2008 June 24 Today Creative Commons (CC), in association with Creative Commons Australia, officially announced the release of the Case Studies Project, which is a large-scale community effort to encourage all to explore and add noteworthy global CC stories. Creative Commons provides free tools to allow copyright-holders to…

Jamendo Publishes 10,000th CC-licensed album!

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Absolutely amazing news coming from CC-centric music site Jamendo in that they have just released their 10,000th CC-licensed album! From Jamendo: Jamendo is the first global platform for music downloads under Creative Commons licenses. On Jamendo, thousands of independent artists authorise the sharing of their music. It’s free, legal and unlimited. Jamendo is also a…

The Spirit of Sharing in Jordan

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Jordan has long been a geographical area where Creative Commons has looked to expand (you can read about our Jordan-specific jurisdiction work here) – as such, recent news about the promotion of CC, the public domain, and an increased spirit of sharing in Jordan is inspiring. Two UK artists, Eileen Simpson and Ben White of…

Local Intern Gets Job, Blogs About Himself

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Along with the rest of the interns that descended on CC San Francisco offices a few days ago I’ve been requested to do one post introducing myself to the world before getting fully underway at the blog. So, without further ado… Hi! I’m Tim Hwang. I got involved in IP freedom and tech policy issues…

Two Bits

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Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software is a new book by Christopher Kelty that explores the “history and cultural significance of Free Software”, narrating a time line about “the people and practices that have transformed not only software, but also music, film, science, and education” in contemporary society. Released in print by Duke…


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Lingro is a project that aims to create an online environment that will allow anyone, in reading a foreign language website, a quick and easy means to translate words they don’t understand. Simple in concept, yet profound in implication, Lingro (which we have blogged about twice before) uses open dictionaries and user-submitted, CC BY-SA licensed,…


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Musiquetes is a new collection of CC-licensed children’s songs by cultura lliure, the same group that published the amazing Música lliure and Música lliure II. The songs are released under a CC BY-NC license, ported for both France and Spain as the project is aimed at groups in both countries. Supported by La Bressola, an…

Modiba Productions

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Modiba Productions is an international music production/publishing company and record label that aims to combine a love for music and a fervor for activism. Focusing primarily on ‘afrocentric’ music, Modiba has been the source for two great CC-based contests over the past year and a half, one with Malian artist Vieux Farka Touré and the…

Wikimedia Commons Valued Images, curation and discovery

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I’m fond of pointing out that discovery is perhaps the biggest challenge and opportunity faced by the cultural commons — however you want to define “commons” — public domain, Free, everything CC licensed, all of “Web 2.0”, or something else. However you define it, the commons includes at least many thousands to many millions of…