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Can Open GLAM Reshape the Fashion Heritage Narrative?

Copyright post
Fashion plate featuring late 19th century fashion Fashion Plate (1886) published by Abel Goubad et Fils, French via the Smithsonian Design Museum (CC0)

On November 2 and 3, 2020, Creative Commons (CC), the European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA) and the Onassis Foundation held the online symposium: Is Sharing Always Caring? Bringing together 250 participants from 38 countries on four continents— from museum professionals to fashion design students all the way to big fashion brands—the event was an opportunity…

Meet CC India, Our Next Feature for CC Network Fridays!

Uncategorized post
CC Global Network Feature Image: CC India

After introducing the CC Italy Chapter to you in July, the CC Netherlands Chapter in August, CC Bangladesh Chapter in September, and CC Tanzania Chapter in October, we are now traveling to Asia again to introduce the CC India Chapter!  The Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN) consists of 45 CC Country Chapters spread across the…

A Look Back at the 2020 Virtual CC Global Summit

Events post
CC Global Summit Image of Presenters

1300+ participants | 200+ presenters | 170+ sessions | 60+ countries The 2020 virtual CC Global Summit exceeded our expectations—over 1300 community members, from Canada and El Salvador to Nigeria and New Zealand, chose to spend a week with us to discuss the future of open, the unknowns of artificial intelligence, the possibilities of open…

The Linked Commons 2.0: What’s New?

Community, Technology post

This is part of a series of posts introducing the projects built by open source contributors mentored by Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020 and Outreachy. Subham Sahu was one of those contributors and we are grateful for his work on this project. The CC Catalog data visualization—the Linked Commons 2.0—is a…

Important Updates to the Creative Commons Catalog

Community, Technology post
CC Open Source logo with CC Catalog

This is part of a series of posts introducing the projects built by open source contributors mentored by Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020 and Outreachy. K. S. Srinidhi Krishna and Charini Nanayakkara were two of those contributors and we are grateful for their work on this project. The Creative Commons (CC)…

Say Hello to Our New CC Open Source Website!

Community, Technology post
CC Open Source logo for the open source website

This is part of a series of posts introducing the projects built by open source contributors mentored by Creative Commons during Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020 and Outreachy. This post was written by Dhruvi Butti, a 2020 Outreachy intern and a 3rd-year undergrad at IIIT Surat.  “Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.” – Jonathan…

You Can Now Sponsor CC’s Open Source Work on GitHub!

Community, Technology post

Creative Commons is now accepting sponsorship via GitHub Sponsors! CC’s small engineering team builds essential open-source infrastructure for CC-licensed and public domain content. Our tools make it easier for anyone to: release original content under an open license. find and responsibly reuse openly licensed and public domain content. connect to the larger ecosystem of openly…

Creative Commons Guidelines for Screening Donors


Creative Commons takes a proactive approach to ensuring that gifts in whatever form made to the organization come from individuals, foundations, donor-advised funds and corporations (collectively, potential and current “Donors”) who align with our ethics and cultural values. The “Creative Commons Guidelines for Screening Donors” documents this approach, using best practices from other organizations leading…

Making the CC Global Network Work Better for You

Uncategorized post
World Feature Image Credit: "World" icon by Guilherme Furtado (BR) via Noun Project.

This post is written by Ethan Senack, a member of Creative Commons USA and the Global Network Council Executive Committee. Just over a year ago, the Executive Committee of the CC Global Network Council (GNC) launched an open process to collect feedback from all members on the network structure, with the purpose of understanding what…