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CC Certificate Changes and Improvements for 2019

Open Education post
CC Certificates

  12/6/18 UPDATE: January 2019 courses have only seven tickets left!  Background: The CC Certificate provides an-in depth study of Creative Commons licenses and open practices, developing participants’ open licensing proficiency and understanding of the broader context for open advocacy. The course content targets copyright law, CC legal tools, values and recommended practices of working…

Privacy Policy (pre 2018-09-13)


1. Preamble This Privacy Policy explains the collection, use, processing, transferring and disclosure of personal information by Creative Commons Corporation (“CC” or “Creative Commons”), a Massachusetts charitable organization. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and made part of Creative Commons Master Terms of Use (“Master Terms”) located at Unless otherwise noted on a particular…

Humans of the Commons


Celebrate the people who make it all happen! “Humans of the Commons” highlights the work of the inspiring people and organizations who build and protect the global commons. Produced in collaboration with Loup — using their StoryEngine approach — our goal is to create a collection of stories that make connections across our global network,…