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EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement Would Harm User Rights and the Commons


September 2017 PDF version The European Union (EU) and the Latin American sub-regional bloc consisting of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Mercosur) have been negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) since 2000. The FTA is expansive, addressing trade in industrial and agricultural goods, potential changes to rules governing small- and medium-sized businesses as well as…

Annuncia la traduzione 4.0 della licenza in Italiano!

Licenses & Tools post
The community of the Nexa Center at Politecnico di Torino, the Italian CC network affiliate institution.

The CC 4.0 licenses are now translated into Italian The official Italian translation of the Creative Commons 4.0 Licenses and CC0 waiver is now available! Led by CC Italy, the translations also benefited from the collaboration with CC Switzerland. The working group was hosted and coordinated by the Nexa Center for Internet & Society at…

Our Proposal to add CC Symbols to Unicode, Round 2

Technology, Uncategorized post

Last October we submitted an initial proposal to get CC license symbols into Unicode. Since then we’ve gotten some feedback from them, incorporated that into our thinking, and submitted an updated application. Here is the new proposal. (The old one for reference here.) The new proposal presents the CC license icons as graphic symbols. We’ve…

Is Re-negotiating NAFTA Opening Pandora’s Box?

Copyright post

Without a refocus on user rights, transparency, and meaningful public input, the agreement will become a bonanza for copyright maximalists This week Creative Commons submitted comments to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) regarding negotiating objectives for the modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). NAFTA is the controversial trade…