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Springing Licenses


Pursuant to a generous grant from Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, Creative Commons conducted a formal exploration and analysis of a proposal to create so-called “springing licenses,” a legal mechanism for granting a license that automatically springs into life at a future date. The Idea The idea motivating the concept…

Author Addenda


As part of our mission to create tools that empower authors to manage their copyrights on their terms, CC has been working to update its Scholar’s Copyright Project, first launched in June 2006, including the Scholar’s Copyright Addendum Engine (“SCAE”). This tool has provided a simple mechanism for scholars to retain copyright over their published material…

Reversionary Rights


As part of our mission to create tools that empower authors to manage their copyrights on their terms, CC stewards a reversionary rights project. This project spans the entire organization and impacts our policy, advocacy and educational work. But centrally, it focuses at present on the creation of tools that enable authors to reclaim their…

European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee Gives Green Light to Harmful Link Tax and Pervasive Platform Censorship

Copyright post

If you’re in the EU, go to and tell your MEPs to stop the proposal and reopen the debate. Today, the European Parliament the Legal Affairs Committee voted in favor of the most harmful provisions of the proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. The outcome reflects a disturbing path toward increasing…

Act now to stop the EU’s plan to censor the web

Copyright post

As the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament is nearing a vote on the proposed reform of the EU copyright rules, time is running out to make your voice heard. The vote will take place on June 20. The final copyright directive will have deep and lasting effects on the ability to create and…

Terms pre 2018-05-25


Creative Commons Master Terms of Use Effective as of 7 November 2017 (previously updated 22 December 2014 and 7 February 2017) 1. General Information Regarding These Terms of Use Master terms: Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Creative Commons (“Creative Commons,” “CC,” “we,” “our,” or “us”). Unless otherwise noted on a particular site…

Privacy Policy (pre 2018-05-25)


Master Privacy Policy and Express Consent 1. Preamble This Master Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains the collection, use, processing, transferring and disclosure of “personal information” by Creative Commons Corporation (“CC” or “Creative Commons”), a Massachusetts charitable organization, and also contains an Express Consent that applies to those who use our Websites and Services (as defined…