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Claudio Ruiz

Claudio works to shift CC to a more open, global, and inclusive organization led by its community. He believes in the importance of openness, communities, and policy to create better digital ecosystems.

Claudio has experience in free software licensing, as well as advocating for fundamental digital rights and freedom of expression. After serving as executive director for more than eight years, he is on the board of Derechos Digitales, a nonprofit organization that works to promote, defend, and develop digital rights and civil liberties in Latin America. Claudio used to host a radio show in Santiago, Chile, where he also lives with his dog, Flora. He loves indie rock, coffee, and morning bike rides. Claudio speaks Spanish and English.

Photo credit: Priscilla C. Scott, CC BY

Posts by Claudio Ruiz

Reproductions of Public Domain Works Should Remain in the Public Domain

Copyright, Licenses & Tools, Open Access

It has come to the attention of Creative Commons that there is an increased use of CC licenses by cultural heritage institutions on photographic reproductions and 3D scans of objects such as sculptures, busts, engravings, and inscriptions, among others, that are indisputably in the public domain worldwide. A recent example is the 3000-year-old Nefertiti bust…

Introducing CC Accidenz Commons: An Open-Licensed Font


The story of the Creative Commons (CC) logo is linked to the story of CC.  In 2002, just one year after the founding of CC, designer Ryan Junell accomplished the difficult task of designing a logo that is distinctive, yet teaches through its design. Over time, the CC logo has become a recognizable symbol of…

Network Strategy: the transition towards a new model


In June we shared our community plan to implement the new CC Network Strategy, showing the benefits of a new international structure with an enhanced Chapter model, working together at a global scale with the Network Platforms, and a new governance structure to support the network. The Creative Commons network has always been one of the…