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Posts by glenn

Political Expression and Copyright


Today Robert Greenwald announced the release of footage from his controversial film Outfoxed under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus license. The release of his earlier film, Uncovered, will follow soon. Says Greenwald: In making Outfoxed and Uncovered, I learned how cumbersome and expensive it can be to license footage from news organizations. Creative Commons licenses…

In Arizona


I’m in Scottsdale, Arizona today and tomorrow for the Open Source, Open Standards conference. Unfortunately I couldn’t make Larry Rosen‘s talk this morning, but I hope to catch Bruce Perens‘s this afternoon. I’m speaking tomorrow, but as with Foo Camp, this is the sort of crowd and event where I do a lot more listening…

A Weekend Trip Where I Don't Have to Explain My Job


I’m at O’Reilly Media‘s Foo Camp this week, a weekend tech-folk retreat at O’Reilly’s Sebastopol offices. Lots of old friends from EFF, iBiblio, MusicBrainz, Mozilla, OSAF, BBC and more, plus plenty of new acquaintances. I’m a bit awed by the crowd and just doing a lot of listening and learning.

Freedom of Information and Copyright


Ever had trouble convincing someone that copyright matters beyond just copyright? That it bumps into questions of censorship, freedom of information, even plain-old civics more every day? If so, here’s a nice anecdote to pull out next time. From the AP: The Defense Department spent $70,500 to produce a Humphrey Bogart-themed video called “The People’s…