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Posts by matt

Remix Radio Show to Debut in the Bay Area This Sunday, 2PM on KALW

About CC

Cult radio favorite Benjamen Walker takes listeners through a novel, lawyer-free look at recombinant art. SAN FRANCISCO, USA October 21, 2004 At 2pm this Sunday, October 24, San Francisco’s KALW will debut a unique new radio special: “The Creative Remix,” written and hosted by Benjamen Walker and sponsored by the nonprofit Creative Commons, is an…

New design for Creative Commons!


We’re happy to have launched our completely revamped and retooled website, at It’s a new direction towards simplicity and promoting the millions of license works found online today. We worked with Adaptive Path on tailoring the site along two major themes: Find to help you find works to listen to, look at, remix, and…

Open Copyright License Discussion to Start in Belgium

About CC

Creative Commons begins work with the University of Namur’s cyberlaw research center to offer Belgian versions of its “some rights reserved” copyright licenses San Francisco, USA and Brussels, BELGIUM Oct. 19, 2004 Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, announced today its plans to…

Creative Commons South Africa Drafts Now Available

About CC

The innovative nonprofit pairs with South African experts to offer localized versions of its “some rights reserved” copyright licenses soon SAN FRANCISCO, USA AND JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — October 19, 2004— Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, announced today that South Africa is…

New Website Puts 2004 Campaign Media in the People's Hands

About CC lets friends and colleagues share political videos with just a click, thanks to Creative Commons copyright licensing SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA —October 17, 2004—A new people-to-people website,, today announced a free service for sharing political expression online. The site enables anyone to select from a menu of video clips the ones that best…