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Posts by michelle

2nd COMMUNIA Workshop: Ethical Public Domain


The second COMMUNIA workshop, Ethical Public Domain: Debate of Questionable Practices, will take place on Monday, March 31 in the geographic center of Europe: Vilnius, Lithuania. The workshop will host ten rounds of debates on issues concerning to the public domain and related policies and practices, followed by a press conference inviting the media and…

CC Salon Belgrade: Festival of Free Culture


CC Serbia will be hosting the first CC Salon in Belgrade on March 7th – 10th. The program features many fantastic local projects, including CCBit, the first Creative Commons-licensed music CD compilation in Serbia, and Freedom Toaster, a device/interface for individual file-sharing in public spaces. The CC Salon Belgrade also welcomes guest speakers from Brazil,…

Free as in “FREE BEER” Brewing in Berlin


“FREE BEER” is always something to get excited about — especially when it’s being brewed in your own backyard. If you’re in Berlin this Saturday, March 1st, come stop by “Free as in ‘FREE BEER’ – Brau-Aktion.” We’ll be in the brewery “Hops & Barley Berlin” starting at 12:30pm to witness 100 liters of FREE…

Free as in “FREE BEER” Brewing in Berlin


“FREE BEER” is always something to get excited about — especially when it’s being brewed in your own backyard. If you’re in Berlin this Saturday, March 1st, come stop by “Free as in ‘FREE BEER’ – Brau-Aktion.” We’ll be in the brewery “Hops & Barley Berlin” starting at 12:30pm to witness 100 liters of FREE…

University of Auckland embeds CC licensing


The University of Auckland has just announced that they have embedded Creative Commons licensing for all new submissions by PhD students into the university’s digital repository, ResearchSpace. From the repository’s librarian Leonie Hayes: “At the moment the showcase collection is PhD theses, there are nearly 800 in the PhD collection, most are open access. There…