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Posts by mike

Rediscover Culture with Firefox & CC Search


Cool thing about Firefox 1.0 number 75387: access to the Creative Commons search engine is built in. If you’re already using Firefox 1.0, just click on the search drop-down to the upper right of the browser window and select Creative Commons. If you’re not using Firefox, get with the program! The Creative Commons search engine…

Another non-evil label: Positron!


Positron! Records follows the lead of the non-evil record label, Magnatune: Positron! Records is pleased to announce that our artists now have the option of releasing their works under Creative Commons licenses. Unlike those who suffer from what we like to call “major label retardation,” we here at Positron! have never believed it was bad…

Launch in France


Tomorrow, on Friday 19 November, the French launch of the Creative Commons licenses will be celebrated in Paris. There will be a press conference cum roundtable discussion in the French National Assembly starting at 2pm (Assemblée Nationale, 126 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris, salle 62-17) and a launch party at the Maison des Métallos, 94…

Who holds the copyright to the Universe?


Back cover of the inaugural issue of PLoS Medicine. Yesterday the Public Library of Science released the first issue of their second journal, PLoS Medicine. All articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Open Access News covers reactions to the new journal with several posts over the last few days. Also see our…

Find the Idiophone


My favorite part of the WIRED concert and Creative Commons benefit that people are writing about: one of Gil’s percussionists had an instrument that perhaps looked and sounded a bit like two small steelpans put together (see brightened area of the photo below). Wonderful sound, little used to great effect. Detail of photo by Kathryn…