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IssueLab's Lisa Brooks on Opening Up Research

Open Education post

Logo by Gabi Fitz | CC BY-NC-SA ccLearn recently spoke with Lisa Brooks from IssueLab. Instead of crossing telephone lines (who does that anymore anyway?), I caught up with her via that archaic method of correspondence known as electronic mail…* *Similarly archaic, but not outdated in coolness factor, are comics. The first comic issue of…

CC in Torino, June 26-30

Events post

Photo by Chensiyuan / CC BY-SA Two fantastic Creative Commons and related events happening in Turin, Italy late this month, with registration deadlines fast approaching. June 26 is a one day CC Technology Summit. This is the place to be for learning how CC and others are using the Semantic Web to support open and…

Nina Paley

Open Culture post

Nina Paley’s Sita Sings The Blues, released online a little over two months ago, has been generating great press and even greater viewership, closing in on 70,000 downloads at alone. For the non-inundated, there is great background information on the film at Paley’s website. We recently had the opportunity to talk with Paley about…

CK-12 Foundation's Neeru Khosla on Open Textbooks

Open Education post

Back in March, we were so excited about the new Physics Flexbook aligned to Virginia’s state standards that we had to catch up with the foundation that helped to make it possible. The obvious choice was Neeru Khosla, co-founder of the CK-12 Foundation, “a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook…

Winner of "One Billion Fans" contest announced

Open Culture post

Last fall we posted about the One Billion Fans contest run by the music website TribeOfNoise. Today the winner has been announced (pdf press release) — Dereck Rose, a Jamaican-born singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist. Congratulations to Dereck Rose, the jury-selected winner, and the other top ten finalists (I can actually recommend the top vote getter, Bleeemo)! Also congratulations…

David Bollier

Open Culture post

As promised in last week’s post on The Commons Video, here’s an interview with David Bollier, author of Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own, which we said in January “will likely establish itself as a definitive guide for those seeking to understand and discover the key players and concepts…

TweetCC Lets You CC License Your Twitter Feed

Open Culture post

Until now, the only way to mix your microblog and Creative Commons licenses was to sign up for the free-as-in-speech service (or run your own instance of Laconica), which requires all posts to be under our Attribution license. But as of February 18th, thanks to the work of UK author Andy Clarke, you can…

University of Michigan Library

Open Education post

Over the past year, the University of Michigan Library has shown itself to be particularly sensible in regards to open content licensing, the public domain, and issues of copyright in the digital age. The U-M Library has integrated public domain book machines, adopted CC licensing for their content, and independently had their Copyright Specialist, Molly…



“No Rights Reserved” CC0 enables scientists, educators, artists and other creators and owners of copyright- or database-protected content to waive those interests in their works and thereby place them as completely as possible in the public domain, so that others may freely build upon, enhance and reuse the works for any purposes without restriction under…