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Tag: conferences

Join CC at RightsCon: AI for a Better Internet and Open Journalism

Better Internet
White and green text saying “RightsCon Costa Rica” and a big Creative Commons logo embedded in an orange circle, both on a green rectangle with orange bottom left and top right corners.
“CC at RightsCon 2023” by Creative Commons is dedicated to the public domain via CC0 1.0.

Are you attending RightsCon 2023, either in person in Costa Rica or virtually online? Join the Creative Commons team and community members for two sessions, one in-person for RightsCon participants in San José  and the other virtual so anyone can attend with a free online pass. These sessions on artificial intelligence (AI) and open journalism…

Creative Commons at CiviCon 2010


Creative Commons depends on a lot of free software to scale our activities on the web. One of the most important pieces is CiviCRM which we use to manage our contributions and contacts. CiviCRM has been on an amazing trajectory since we first started using it in 2006: new releases continue to bring functionality our…

Open Translation Tools 2009


Last week, in Amsterdam, approximately 70 people from around the world gathered in one big room to discuss the current state of affairs in open translation. We discussed open-source translation software, open and volunteer translation communities, openly licensed works – both translated and for translating, open databases for machine translation, and the intersection of translation…