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Tag: discovery
Findings from the Discovery phase of CC usability
by Jane Park TechnologyIn January, Creative Commons kicked off an exciting new initiative called CC usability with two primary goals:
Big changes for CC Search beta: updates released today!
by Paola Villarreal About CC, TechnologyToday, we’ve released a significant update to our working beta of the CC Search product. We launched the project in February 2017 to provide a new “front door” to the Commons with the ultimate goal to find and index all 1.4 billion+ CC licensed works on the web. Since then, our newly formed tech team…
How should we attribute 3D printed objects?
by Jane Park Open CultureHow should we attribute authors of CC-licensed 3D designs once that design has been used to print a 3D physical object? The challenge of attribution, or “view source,” for 3D printed objects, is widespread in the 3D printing community, an active part of CC’s larger network. It is multi-layered and speaks to existing needs by…
Do Open Educational Resources Increase Efficiency?
by Timothy Vollmer UncategorizedOne of the questions people often ask about Open Educational Resources is “do they really increase efficiency?” Creative Commons has worked with many OER innovators, and their stories indicate that it does. We thought it would be useful to gather pointers to some of these examples. Please read on, and leave a comment with other…