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Tag: open access

Open Access in Practice: A Conversation with President Larry Kramer of The Hewlett Foundation

Open Access
Participants in the Young Women Leadership Program explain software to each other
Image by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment, November 2017 (CC BY-NC)

Since the founding of Creative Commons (CC) in 2001, we’ve been supported by like-minded organizations and individuals who value open access, the open community, and the global commons as much as we do. As we near our 20th anniversary, we are reflecting on the past and planning for the future. What better way to do…

Open-Source Medical Hardware: What You Should Know and What You Can Do

Open Access, Technology

You’ve heard the stories: engineers 3D printing face shields in their basements; do-it-yourself hobbyists sewing face masks; and fashion designers crafting personal protection gowns.  Globally, people are trying to help fill the medical supply gap caused by the COVID-19 pandemic through open-source medical hardware. It’s a heartwarming display of global ingenuity, innovation, and collaboration. In this…

Dr. Lucie Guibault on What Scientists Should Know About Open Access

Open Access, Open Science
"The Chancellor Rishi Sunak visits a coronavirus testing laboratory in Leeds," by HM Treasury, licensed CC BY-NC-SA.

In response to the global health emergency caused by COVID-19, we’ve seen an array of organizations, publications, and governments make COVID-19 related research open access. For example, the U.S. National Library of Medicine recently released the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)—a machine-readable coronavirus literature collection with over 29,000 articles available for text and data mining…

We’re a Fully Remote Nonprofit; Here’s Some Advice on Working From Home

About CC
Woman working at her desk
"Working from home," by Victoria Heath, CC BY.

Over the last few days, a growing number of organizations have shut down their offices and told employees to work from home in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here at Creative Commons (CC), we’ve also taken necessary precautions such as postponing all work-related travel and canceling the in-person component of the annual CC…

The Hewlett and Packard Foundations Share Women’s Stories Through Openly Licensed Images

Bhavna Ben Ramesh in front of her sewing machine
"Bhavna Ben Ramesh" by Paul Bronstein (2015), CC BY-NC.

Storytelling is a powerful tool because it can change perceptions and inspire action—and images are an essential component. As Depression-era American photojournalist and documentarian Dorothea Lange said, “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”  Unfortunately, finding high-quality and diverse openly licensed images, particularly those of women, is a…

CC Global Summit: Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications

About CC, Events
Global Summit 2020
Design by Victoria Heath; Image by Sebastiaan ter Bur, CC BY

We’re excited to announce that the Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications for the 2020 CC Global Summit is now open!  The 2020 CC Global Summit, held May 14-16 in Lisbon, Portugal, gathers those in the open community under the umbrella of learning, sharing, and creating; united by a passion for growing a vibrant, usable commons…

Paris Musées Releases 100,000+ Works Into the Public Domain

Open Culture
Portrait de l'écrivaine libertaire et féministe Caroline Rémy dite Séverine (1855-1929), sur son balcon.
A portrait of Caroline Rémy (1855-1929), a French feminist journalist. Photo by Paul Cardon.

The Paris Musées’ recently released more than 100,000 works under Creative Commons Zero (CCØ), putting the works into the public domain. They also released their collections’ Application Programming Interface (API), allowing users to “recover, in high definition, several royalty-free images and their records from cross-searches on the works.” Users can scroll through the collection via…

How UC Berkeley Students Helped Improve CC Search

About CC
Above is a screenshot of the students’ proposed prototype for an improved CC Search. (CC BY)

Since its launch, CC Search has become more than just a search tool for CC-licensed content; it has come to exemplify the virtuous cycle of knowledge creation—where we create, collaborate, and learn from one another.  Our recent collaboration with a group of students from UC Berkeley was a true exercise in this cycle of creation…