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Tag: open education

Mozilla and CC to teach online seminar on open education

Open Education

ccLearn is collaborating with the Peer 2 Peer University and Mozilla to teach practical open education skills to educators and anyone else who is interested. From the announcement on the course wiki: “This six week course is targeted at educators who will gain basic skills in open licensing, open technology, and open pedagogy; work on…

ccNewsletter #10 – ccLearn

Open Education

December’s newsletter features ccLearn, the education branch of Creative Commons which has grown substantially this year and has a lot of exciting plans lined up for its bright future as a leader in the open education movement. The newsletter also brings to you news highlights from each of CC’s other program areas. As you’ll see…

Latam Commons 2008 is a Success

Open Education

Latam Commons 2008: The Public Domain, Creative Commons, and Open Education in Latin America, held Nov 19-21 in Santiago, Chile, was a great success. The event was co-hosted and excellently managed by NGO Derechos Digitales, and representatives from all over Latin America were present and actively participated in the meeting. Project Leads of Creative Commons…

Latam Commons 2008


Santiago, Chile: ccLearn is hosting a three day conference on “open licensing, open technologies, and the future of education in Latin America” from November 19th to the 21st. The conference is split up into three meetings over the three days.  Nov 19 is for Creative Commons International, where CC affiliates will meet to discuss the…

International OER Community Update


The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement is a global movement. Education is an issue that crosses borders and spans continents; open education—the creation and distribution of OER—empowers people in a global dialogue. However, the mere promotion of OER is not sufficient for the success of this international effort, as many issues and barriers to open education…

ccLearn's COSL Open Ed '08 download

Open Education

Although we’ve already had a weekend plus a Monday to digest COSL’s Open Ed ’08, the events from the conference and general good feeling inspired by speakers and individual conversations still drives us forward into the week and the beginning of next month. This year’s conference featured several notable speakers; the keynotes themselves were given…

"Opening Up Education"


is the new publication by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and MIT Press exploring “the potential of open education to transform the economics and ecology of education.” Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge is a collection of thirty essays written by leaders in the open…

OER Handbook for Educators 1.0


The Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL) has been hosting an OER Handbook on WikiEducator for a while now, inviting others to contribute and edit various elements of the book. Now they’ve finally published the first printable version of one of their mini-handbooks: OER Handbook for Educators 1.0.  The actual handbook isn’t so mini—though…

ccLearn Workshop Video Now Live at OSL

Open Education

In April I blogged about Open Source Lab‘s fourth official workshop featuring ccLearn’s Executive Director, Ahrash Bissell. The Open Source Lab has now posted a video of the workshop at their blog. The workshop focuses on recent developments within open education, including but not limited to the impact of open licensing, as Ahrash emphasizes the…