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Tag: Palo Alto
CC Salon Palo Alto: Open Innovation (4/25/2011)
by allison UncategorizedCreative Commons is pleased to present with Hewlett-Packard (HP) Labs the next CC Salon: Open Services Innovation, at the HP campus in Palo Alto on Monday, April 25, from 6-8pm. This CC Salon will feature two speakers from HP Labs as well as author of Open Innovation and Berkeley professor Henry Chesbrough to discuss the…
Creative Commons and Collective Intelligence / Program for the Future
by mike EventsMonday and Tuesday next week the Program for the Future Conference celebrates the 40th anniversary of Doug Engelbart’s famous Demo, which presaged much of modern computing, in 1968 (related in some ways, see Creative Commons 1967). From the conference website: Engelbart dreamed of technology and tools that increased our Collective Intelligence and a stunning example…
Stanford Open Source Lab (un)Conference this Friday
by mike Events, Open EducationThe Stanford Open Source Lab is a nexus for people in the Stanford University community engaged with open source software, open access, and other forms of openness as users, developers, creators, and more. They’ve had an excellent workshop series, including a talk by ccLearn’s Ahrash Bissell, available online for your viewing pleasure. This Friday the…