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Tag: remix
Restiform Bodies remix contest – winning submissions to be released on vinyl
by Eric Steuer Open CultureMy friends in the hip-hop/electronic trio Restiform Bodies recently announced a remix contest to celebrate the release of their new album, TV Loves You Back, on anticon records. All of the acapella tracks from the album are offered under a Creative Commons BY-NC license, so you can sample them, remix them, and mash them up.…
A letter (and very special offer) from Lawrence Lessig
by melissa CopyrightLast week, CC founder Lawrence Lessig sent the following letter (and offer) to our email lists. However, I thought it was important that everyone who is interested enough in CC to read our blog, should have the opportunity to read this as well. If you’d like to sign-up for our ccNewsletter list, please do so…
First Romanian CC Remix Competition: Hi-Q "Me+U=Love"
by michelle Open CultureHi-Q, the hugely successful Romanian pop group, announced the first CC remix competition in Romania. Hi-Q’s unreleased song “Eu+Tu=Iubire” (“Me+U=Love”) will be included on the band’s upcoming album. From CC Romania: It is time for users to engage in this quest and test their talents in order to produce a song just the way YOU…
EVENT: Lawrence Lessig's "Remix" Launch Party, San Francisco 10/29
by cameron EventsCC founder Lawrence Lessig recently released a new book titled, Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. The book will be his last solely devoted to the issues of copyright and in it, he aims to “map[] both a way back to the 19th century, and to the promise of the 21st”…
RecombinaSOM: Brazillian Remix Contest
by cameron Open CultureRecombinaSOM is a remix contest taking place as part of the São Carlos’s Federal University’s multimedia festival, “Contato“. The festival’s theme is recombination and will feature a number of discussions on new forms of licensing and exchanging content among audiovisual/music producers. RecombinaSOM itself will is being hosted by both ccMixter and overmundo, their collective effort…
Participatory Media Lab launch with ccMixter analysis
by mike UncategorizedGiorgos Cheliotis‘ group at Singapore Management University has launched a site for their Participatory Media Lab, featuring a working paper on ccMixter reuse patterns titled Remix Culture: Creative Reuse and the Licensing of Digital Media in Online Communities (pdf) and including data and visualizations from this and earlier research on open content, previously blogged here…
Remix culture: example and education
by mike UncategorizedUwe Hermann points to a cool reuse of one of his CC-licensed photos and video of Lawrence Lessig’s Wizards of OS 4 keynote. Related: Video of Lessig’s LinuxWorld keynote available Previous mention of Uwe Hermann’s CC podcast More Flickr/CC reuse (one of many)