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Tag: wikimania

CC at Wikimania 2023

A graphic with white text
The CC icon in white next to “Wikimania 2023 Red” all on top of “Wikimania 2023 Background 1920x1080 - Red.png”, both by Adien Gunarta and Naila Rahmah for Wikimedia Foundation and dedicated to the public domain via CC0 1.0.

CC is thrilled to be partnering with the Wikimedia Foundation to make Wikimania 2023 a reality. The gathering takes place 16–19 August both in Singapore and online. Whether you can make it to Singapore or not, register now to attend, participate, and access recorded sessions. The CC and Wikimedian communities overlap in many ways and…

Wiki* milestones and mania


Photo by Bernard Gagnon / CC BY-SA ReadWriteWeb* writes that English Wikipedia just passed the 3 million article mark. While this is a great accomplishment that will surely be widely reported, RWW correctly highlights that “Wikipedia” is much more than the English site: The family of sites as a whole has more than 13 million…

Inside track on the future of free content licenses


If you want an inside track on the future of free content licenses you could hardly do better than watch or listen to recordings of two Wikimania sessions — Lawrence Lessig on The Ethics of the Free Culture Movement (particularly the last twenty minutes) and Eben Moglen on Document Licenses and the Future of Free…