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Year: 2009

IssueLab's Lisa Brooks on Opening Up Research

Open Education

Logo by Gabi Fitz | CC BY-NC-SA ccLearn recently spoke with Lisa Brooks from IssueLab. Instead of crossing telephone lines (who does that anymore anyway?), I caught up with her via that archaic method of correspondence known as electronic mail…* *Similarly archaic, but not outdated in coolness factor, are comics. The first comic issue of…

CC Case Studies: What are the latest?


One month in to the revamped CC Case Studies project, and you might be curious to hear how it’s going. For starters, there have been some brilliant new submissions, the most compelling of which will be included in upcoming publications and research. We’re still collecting more user-submitted studies, so hop over to our wiki and…

Night Of The Living Dead: Reanimated


Night Of The Living Dead: Reanimated is a collaborative project that takes George Romero’s cult horror classic, Night of the Living Dead and very literally reanimates the entire film. Featuring work from a huge number of artists, the project as a whole is being released under a CC BY-NC-ND license with individual artists retaining rights…

Nature's H1N1 Paper under BY-NC-SA


Nature, the international weekly journal of science just released an advanced version of a paper entitled ‘Origins and evolutionary genomics of the 2009 swine-origin H1N1 influenza A epidemic‘ under our Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike license. While this is indeed great news in and of itself, you might have noticed that the license notification didn’t quite make it…

Picasa Adds CC Search


Yesterday, Google Blogoscoped picked up on Picasa’s new CC feature: Search! In case it weren’t clear, we get really excited when platforms like Picasa enable CC content exploration. Its one thing to enable your community to select a CC license for their work, but its another thing entirely to help the rest of the web…

Tony Shawcross Explains CC Licensing

Open Culture

Former interviewee and Executive Director at Deproduction Tony Shawcross points us towards a recent video he produced to educate the Deproduction community on how CC licenses work. Focusing primarily on our CC BY-NC-SA license, the video is informative and to the point, acting as a great primer for those who have never heard of CC…

BYU Launches OCW Pilot


It appears that David Wiley’s move to Brigham Young University has already resulted in progress towards opening the university’s content. Long-time pioneer and academic of open education, Wiley reports that BYU’s Independent Study has launched its Open CourseWare (OCW) pilot with six Creative Commons licensed courses under CC BY NC-SA. “The pilot includes three university-level…