On 2 February 2023, the Creative Commons Open Education Platform community held Lightning Talks, where presenters shared innovative ideas and technologies in the field of Open Education. Each speaker brought unique expertise to the table, sparking conversations and inspiring new ideas. You can watch the replay below.
The Lightning Talk Presenters:
Ravon Ruffin, Educational Programs Manager at MHz Foundation, and Amanda Figueroa, Community Director at MHz Foundation, showcased the Curationist platform for decolonial methodologies in curation, education, and art.
Delmar Larsen, Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Davis, and Founder and Director of the LibreTexts project, provided an overview of LibreVerse, a suite of tools and technologies to advance OER textbooks and assessments.
Delmar Larsen also discussed machine translation algorithms for non-English language OER textbooks.
Dr. Suma Parahakaran, Head of the Faculty of Education at Manipal Globalnxt University in Malaysia, highlighted options for collaborative OER for learning communities focused on climate change and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Nicolas Simon, Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology, and Social Work at Eastern Connecticut State University, discussed the use of OER for digital accessibility and promoting inclusion, diversity, equity, and social justice.
Dr. Carolyn Stevenson, Full-time faculty member and Faculty Advisor for Purdue University Global, School of General Education, Department of Professional Studies, provided resources for using mindfulness OER for a healthy work/life balance.
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Posted 22 February 2023